
Was this written with a random word generator?

I had a hard time finding a happy gif. I think I might have cynicism.

Good lord, people. Maybe stop clutching your pearls with both hands and use one to change the damn channel? My eyes, look at them roll.

Adam Lambert's Lenny Kravitz costume is pretty good.

I'll never understand why so many men that aren't all that attractive themselves say disparaging things about women's looks.

Snap Poll!

What were the colors?

My guess: He wanted ivory and slate. She wanted bone white and blood red . . . .

What's with the excessive mouth touching? Is that hot now? I feel like my boyfriend would give me one of these looks if I tried to do it.


These make me so sad. I have heard things like these all day. A conversation I have had many times:

Oh, one of my college friends had a Mexican roommate (as in born and raised and still a citizen of Mexico), and at one of their other roommate's weddings, the mother of the bride said "You're very pretty to be Mexican"...

Thanks to my particular Texas town, I grew up being "not white enough" AND "not Mexican enough". Lots of people calling me a "mutt", most of them meaning it to be offensive. Super fun stuff.

Stunning. Simply stunning.

I tried it once, and thought it was crap. Maybe I am wrong, and will try again. You want delicious? 1. BBQ the living hell out of 4 eggplant, until they look on the outside like giant briquets. 2. Food process ten cloves of garlic with 2 or 3 lemons juiced. Take cooled eggplants, carefully remove skin and put in food

ugggh, veneers

I know "google it" is a natural response, but y'know, sometimes it's fun to converse with actual humans.

Imma just leave this right here... because I know that's how we're all feeling, right now.

His name was Matt. He had dark eyes and eyelashes that brushed his cheeks when he smirked. He rode the hour long school bus commute everyday. I helped him (did) with his homework just to sit closer to him for at least a year. One day he asked me in a low, conspiratorial whisper, "The new girl is really stacked and

Devon Sawa in Casper. All ten minutes of the movie he was in. My heart! My heart! I was obsessed with the movie and watched it continuously. He was just too beautiful, I could barely stand it.