
If the worst that the internet can come up with is "lol ur fat" and concern-trolling me about things only normal peoples' doctors ask them, well, I've lived through worse. Bring it on.

And while we're at it, what's up with San Antonio calling itself "San Antonio"? Go back to Mexico, San Antonio. In America, we speak English.

I will never understand the, "Why is person from culture X singing the song of my people," reaction.

No one here needs the history lesson, so I won't give it, but white folks (and as I've said before, I'm a Caucasian male myself) didn't hit the landmass that would become the US first, they're -not- the only people

When you have sweet prancing skills like she does, you're bound to get jealous haters who want to sabotage it.

As my grandpa would say: if I had mice like that in the attic, I'd kill the cat. I mean, seriously. Keanu is and will always be hawt.