
Grayson Allen is the Zodiac Killer.

Yo there are some very good Oscars in this world.

We need this Vine to get the “If Young Metro don’t trust you” treatment. Somebody please do that.

You should have seen Maryland crying. They looked really upset.


Might I suggest this solution: just listen to podcasts. They can be good and funny and informative, and you can listen to them on your phone during your commute or at the gym or like whenever you want. And you don’t even have to hurt your eyes reading a computer screen to enjoy them.

As this has resulted in an arrest, I can confirm that it did not occur at a Buffalo Bills tailgate.

This is the Kinja version of Jeb Bush’s gun tweet.

He traveled.

I recently learned that my friend in his late 20s does not use pillowcases. I now consider him more animal than human.

One of the guys from Tough Alliance put out an album under the name CEO a couple of years ago and it was very good.

Miike Snow

Aqib Talib had an awful game, and his performance just showed how great the rest of the Denver defense played, in spite of him.

Oh my god, I am! I bring more than my share of beer, I tell the host that his or her playlist is great (even if it isn’t), and I’m totally the guy who might just jump in the pool fully clothed!

“Last night was an average Manning playoff game.”

It’s kind of like winning an Oscar, and by god, this was a de facto lifetime achievement award. Super Bowl 50 was Peyton Manning’s Scent of a Woman.

Manning spent 15 years dragging team after team with a garbage defense deep into the playoffs, to only come away with a single championship. I’d say he earned the chance to have his shambling corpse dragged onto the Super Bowl podium by one of the most terrifying defenses ever assembled.

I love his and the Panthers’ exuberance when they score and win. Watching football should be fun, and watching the players have fun makes it even more fun. But when you brand yourself as “the team that celebrates and rubs it in,” you have to be prepared to eat an extra helping of shit when somebody beats you.

I like how Mikedillon has his “Sent from my iPhone” signature line before the text of his email.

He only played one game.