
Wonder how "Raised Right" guy in College Station feels about watching the Official Sport of Terrorism.

It's already begun.

Here's the problem that a lot of basketball fans have, but they don't know quite how to articulate it: Miami doesn't deserve a team this awesome.

Those are prescription pants!

Brazil not only has spiders, it also has SNAKE ISLAND.

Hey, if rookies didn't want to get drilled by 95-mph fastballs, they should have come into the league as 12-year veterans.

Yeah buddy, I'm sure every Triple Crown winner faced the exact same horses for every race.

Um, excuse me, this is a profile of the French national team — where is the over-the-top focus on Paul Pogba? I only see his name in here twice. You must be doing another separate primer on Pogba.

Spot on. I also want to add that I was never into Family Feud, and I never found Steve Harvey that funny, until the two joined forces. Because of him, it's one of the funniest things on TV — especially at 6 pm.

Well, they just went through Group B, which is utterly stacked. Hold off on that criticism until we get to the rest of Group C, Group F, and oh lord Group H, who let you in here? You're tracking in dog shit and an Algerian soccer team.

I agree you can't judge an entire philosophy on what amounts to a handful of games the past few years in the Champions League. But it really didn't help tiki-taka to see Bayern completely destroy it in 2013, and then lose (while looking incredibly dull) while employing it the following year.

Hurricane Jasmine Forsythe killed half of Brooklyn.

"The Surface is apparently made for the 15 people in the world who actually need it."

But he is "Heads Up certified," correct? That's what the commercials tell me to ask the coach. They don't say to ask if the coach is "Heads Up certified, received in-person training, worked with a Player Safety Coach, and oh shit, is this even a Heads Up Football League? It is? Phew, thank god."

Yeah, the "open relationship" line gave it away.

Because we all know that the Senate should totally agree on the order of largest to smallest problems that must be solved, and then they MUST address each problem in order.

Exactly. Getting taken 7 games against the Pacers, and then 7 games against the Spurs isn't "cruising." In fact, Miami was on life support until Ray Allen hit that game-winner.