
Yeah, isn’t it a rule in storytelling to show, not tell.  They really didn’t show us how she was “changed” besides that she used her bike a lot.

100%. People would have dunked on the skinny woman’s life being “changed” no matter what, but if the actress had just played this a bit differently (or the director directed her to play it differently), I think it wouldn’t have been nearly as remarkable. But after she gets the Peloton, at no point does she look like

“Amy told me after several of our sessions, ‘You will be hearing from my lawyer,’” she said.

Well, she does love a rapist.

Febreeze has a wrinkle release spray, so that’s a twofer right there.

Your kink deserves to be shamed.

If you tumble dry them, they have a more casual look to them. Save the ironing for formal occasions.

The asshole sun thing doesn’t sound that crazy.

How fucked up is it to co-opt the very relevant and important #believewomen hashtag to stand on your stupid incorrect soapbox?

How long do I need to look for a guy with the emotional maturity of Garth fuckin’ a question I didn’t know was going to come from my head.

More than you even know

JFC, the history of racism in the US is not about you, OKAY?!

What I find so infuriating on top of what you pointed out is that so many of these letter writers deem it necessary to print out their full fucking biography in lieu of an actual argument. I don’t care if you had a black friend in kindergarten, or if your grandma had a latinx name, or if you listen to hip hop. It has

Here is a reading list for those that took the time to write to Michael this week. Maybe you should take a bit more time to educate yourselves about White America:

That man’s supporters are even worse than that because when I read MH’s post I thought the takeaway was simply, ‘You know any bruises you see were caused by a beating, not clumsiness, stop lying about it.’

Black poverty. “Your fault for being lazy.” Income inequality. “Your fault for being financially illiterate.” Police brutality. “Your fault for not following orders.” Unbalanced health outcomes. “Your fault for not eating healthy (on limited incomes).” Educational attainment. “Your fault because of lack of role

Wow, Johnny Deep’s really doing his best to make sure anyone who might have missed the prior emails and memos know he’s an insufferable asshole.

Brilliant writing. The headline mentions a lawsuit, the article is kind of about that, but then changes abruptly to her being mistaken for other directors, which is in no way related to the lawsuit. Then, to top it off, mistaken identity is apparently racist now, even when everything said is complimentary. Honest

I can’t watch this video. My heart aches for this young woman and every woman who is under the thumb of domestic violence. There are far too few resources for women to utilize to combat a violent partner, and I’m horrified by the fact that this young woman used video as a way to seek justice posthumously.

Guy out in Florida was riding around with his girlfriend’s body in his trunk. Her death could have been prevented if police took the 17 times they were called to the house seriously.