
Not to get too gushy, but I am getting some serious Thandie Newton vibes in that top photo of you and had to do an actual double take. I knew it wasn’t her, but wow - now I see it so strongly, I’m guessing you’ve heard this before.

I sort of disagree. It seems like you’re putting another human being on some kind of pedestal they don’t deserve. I say meet them so you can put all that nonsense behind you by experiencing them for who they might actually be. Hero worship is kind of dumb, anyway. Although I admit I’d be a stuttering fool if I ever

Dry herb vaporizers are still chill fam

What even is this?! Never seen or heard of this ever. When I try to google it, the only place this shows up is a website named (I shit you not) Woody Allen Mob Lynching! I am crying I’m laughing so hard! This doesn’t even read like scientific documentation!! Oh my god my sides!!!!!!

Why are you so obsessed with defending Woody Allen?

dont bring your bible to school - its killed more people than guns could ever hope to.

It's not stress or tension between the races. It's white people being racist. 

“we failed to resolve [the incident] in a way that made either side feel supported,”

I think he got the equivalent of ‘I don’t see colour’ when he was trying to explain it. It’s a key part of his identity, and something he routinely gets discriminated against for. He’s got like a discrimination double whammy of being gay and black, so took shit in the hood for it. Telling him it doesn’t matter seems a

I will send a check to the Niggas Need Hugs foundation and volunteer to bake cookies.

I wish people understood that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy.

Niggas need hugs.

Shit, you are not lying. The last paragraph in your comment resonates HEAVY with me. My social circle doesn’t mean SHIT because it’s all anecdotal. We may not give a fuck. We may support our friends, no matter their orientation, but that’s not the case for most LGBTQ people out there. MY progress doesn’t equal the

And I think a lot of that is because female sexuality is considered pointless by the folks who’d care about what men do in the bedroom - we’re supposed to lie there and take it regardless of what we’d want to feel good (and if vocal about that we’re whores so...)

Lil Nas X is more than a man than those silly dudes in that room trying to overtalk his truth. We all know good and well that being gay in Black America is about as accepted as a slab of ribs in a vegan restaurant. Stop that “we don’t care” shit because that’s a flat out lie.

That gaslighting coming from homophobic “comedian” Kevin Hart is making my stomach turn. We all know how he really feels about gay men.

I used so much homophobic language growing up. So much. It’s excruciating when I think about it.

(funny because no one cared about lesbians...)

Um because of the hypocrisy.

Barbershops aren’t safe spaces. People should stop with that lie. LOL. Ask anyone who’s ever been roasted in a shop. I’ve seen people get up and just walk out never to return because of the way the entire shop turned on them.