
My memory served me pretty well considering I wrote about her part in Psycho so many years ago. I wonder if my article was a scoop. :) Apparently everyone had to sign a confidentiality agreement to promote Janet Leigh being the only person...

She's not going away

My mom was a hand model! They used her hand completely unattributed in this movie poster, which she didn’t realize until she saw it around the city. She made a huge stink and got a big settlement and used that to see her first therapist. I like the story.

When she did the Super Bowl a couple years ago, the son of a friend (12-ish at the time) was like “WHO IS THIS? SHE IS AMAZING!” And was floored that he was watching someone with a back catalog. Fun to watch the kiddies discover Missy.

Speaking of stand ins, in the 1980s I worked for the Board of Realtors in Phoenix. Had one of the first Macs there and I created newsletters and other written materials.

The first part of your comment doesn’t make a lick of sense.

Some days it truly feels as though the world is trying to give me a rage stroke. I'm sure I'm not alone.

“You manipulated biblical scripture to align with your colonialist, supremacist ideologies instead of showing mercy.”

So. Many. Times.

I’m also over any philantropic claims being made by someone who continues to promote a really shitty image of women and how to treat them. Hypocrisy does not sell! Sorry Leo, couldn’t even tell you when I last spent actual money on you in the cinema. May have been Gangs of New York, and boy, did I regret that.

What can I say? I’m one of those crazy people that loves Goodfellas, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull...

It’s like a grammar exercise

The entire movie is based on a guy who lied about most of the things he'd done so platform shoes do fit in with this narrative.

I don’t think he’s a sucker. I think he’s a rich guy acting like a rich guy. He’s just dealing with rich guys who were born into it and he’s a baby compared to them when it comes to acting selfishly.

I’m gonna ignore that second half of the comment because I haven’t finished the season yet.

With the integrity of the Philadelphia police department crippled by allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination

That is the tamest “topless” picture I have ever seen. I use to flash the barges on the Illinos River when boating in my 30s.

You and Shawn King both. 

Per Shawn when I saw them gushing over their union on some terrible talk show years ago they named their firstborn Chance because they met  BY CHANCE in front of Tiffany’s. Had he been a girl, guess what her name would have been. 

I’m just shocked to learn Larry King is still alive.