
To me, the role is secondary. It’s about who you’re in conversation with — and who wouldn’t want to be in conversation with these people?

I’ve seen him perform countless times and met him a few times. The thing is, this doesn’t surprise me at all; the god complex was always evident - because he is and has been treated like a god throughout the global world of opera. In Los Angeles, he IS the opera.

I believed that all of my interactions and relationships were always welcomed and consensual. People who know me or who have worked with me know that I am not someone who would intentionally harm, offend, or embarrass anyone. However, I recognize that the rules and standards by which we are — and should be — measured

The allegations from these unnamed individuals dating back as many as thirty years are deeply troubling, The allegations from these unnamed individuals dating back as many as thirty years are deeply troubling, and as presented, inaccurate 

Agreed. Not trying to nit-pick his words, but using “females” instead of “women” always rubs me wrong.

I’m sorry for any victim of sexual abuse, and Kloss has my sympathies. This is a credible story of abuse. His rhetoric skews a little MRA-lite though and that’s troubling—I wish he were using his story to encourage more male victims of sexual abuse to come forward instead of saying “Look! Males aren’t the problem!”

Someone up the chain nixed it.

Yeah, but it was a Denny’s, so it’s different.

It’s our new hospital, conveniently located on a major highway. Go where your customers are they said. So I said- Let’s build our emergency hospital ON the highway! Car crash? - No problem, no waiting!

‘Winter Mercy Morissette-Treadway’

That necklace is fugly.

You know when you’re a bit overtired and a bit buzzed and you’re hanging with your mates having a great time, and you think, fuck, we are hilarious, like this right here should be a movie, we are so fucking clever and funny. And then you wake up the next morning with a headache and think, damn, we’re idiots. This dude

In 1996, he conceived a movie about a “group of friends who go to a diner late at night

now-defunct Pussy Posse”

...but now you do, because two athletes made a stand.

Protest is the highest form of patriotism.

Being against racism and concentration camps is now a political message...

Only way it would be whiter is if she was flashing gang signs, and wearing a black LA Dodger baseball hat askew.

I mean, where’s he going to find someone to moan “Oh, Chris…” when the lights are off!

Epstein has video.