As am I hoping to have an ass like his at 80. Just not mine ;)
As am I hoping to have an ass like his at 80. Just not mine ;)
Chuck!! Tell him what he’s won....
Right? Like:
You stand for the National Anthem as a salute to those who can’t stand because they fought for this land.”
This Agent Orange CONFEDERACY* must be put down and put down now!
Stop and frisk anyone that looks like a white supremacist. It’s already been done in NYC and AZ.
When will Republicans say “Radical Christianity?”
I bet you’re in a tiny minority.
A Russian ain’t never been this fine.. Nor a vegan.. lmao
Nigga.... we fighting on the SPOT WHEN I SEE YOU!!
The blackest statement today!!
Years ago before the kids, I called a cab to take me to pick up my car. White guy in his ‘50s shows up. I tell him the dealership and he asks which one (there’s a Mercedes, BMW & Porsche/Audi). I tell him the Mercedes shop. He says, “You must make a lot of money.” I said, “Yes I do.” He was pissed.
This. For most black people, for better or worse, THIS is our country. We can talk about “back to Africa” but I have to guess that most of us don’t know where we would go if we did go back “home.” Where is “home:” Ghana? Nigeria? Kenya? I wish I knew but I don’t. Now, I’ve never met a white person that didn’t know…
I dislike this. I dislike that you had to write it. I dislike that we have to be the Jiminy Cricket of this Pinnochio assed country. I hate that when (not if) it goes down in a ball of flames we will be the closest to the fire because we are on the bottom.
So the man terrorizing The University appears to be a man too dumb to ever attend any University at all. I respect blue collar workers, as my grandfather was one & he did that so his children could attend college & better themselves, but I’ve always seen these asswads as jealous of the fact that their lives never…
We’ve always had to go above and beyond to prove our loyalty to folks who aren’t loyal.
It’s a sad state of affairs when this country was incensed because they saw a tit on TV, yet saw fit to put a dick in the White House.
Trump also disrespected veterans with his mocking of John McCain (i.e.., “I like people who don’t get captured, ok?”). He also shit on veterans with PTSD, telling people that they aren’t strong and can’t handle it. His proposed budget cuts VA benefits, wants to do away with the GI Bill, etc. His shitting on a dead…
The way I see it, you can either be on the side of professional athletes who take pride in their country and are willing to risk their careers to make their country a better place for everyone or...