
My intent was not to lay a guilt trip, so I’m sorry that that’s how it came across. I don’t subscribe to any party (I’ve voted for both Liberal and NDP candidates in my many years of voting).

Just for the sake of readers who don’t know the full story, Ishamael seems like a die-hard Conservative (calling the rest of us “left winger”), and although there is some truth to what he’s saying, there’s a lot of garbage here too:

My dad spends an inordinate amount of time being worried that a stranger would drag me into an alley an rape me, but I am sure that if I was drunk and some asshole took advantage of me, he would assert it’s my fault and I should just live with that.

I’m Canadian, and we’ve been bombarded by #shethenorth for the past 2 weeks, but I have to say, I was pulling for Serena. To be competing at this level for 20 years is what makes her the GOAT, and I really wanted her to overcome whatever it is keeping her from winning grand slams in the past few years.

The weirdos are out in full force on this article. 

“John Travolta, a man I best remember as the guy who developed psychic powers after getting a “backwards brain tumor,” is now bald...”

The current approach to HRT is for women 50 and over, at a very low dose, and to be on it no more than 5 years. 

Because winning wasn’t necessarily the point. May I remind you of Peter Thiel’s 10-year campaign to destroy Gawker? I don’t believe this is any different, and I’d be very interested to see who Miller’s lawyer was.

I can only imagine the vitriol he deals with. Although apparently, I didn’t have to wait long to find out. This was 41 minutes ago:

To his credit, Karpf seems to have some self-awareness about his position as a white, male, tenured professor:

I highly doubt that John Travolta mistook Jade Jolie for Taylor Swift. [E!]

Sexism is embedded in medical research too: who remembers the 1986 study at New York City’s Rockefeller University on breast and uterine cancer where all the subjects were MEN?

“... no one can look at you and know in what ways you are or are not complicit in white supremacy...” 

Disclaimer: Not a Swift fan (not her target audience).

You should have WAY more stars.

What do you call a drummer that breaks up with his girlfriend?

Hooo boy. Okay, I’m gonna put it out there: men with pink genitals. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. I’m out.

So, it’s impossible to include her name but not the name of her murderer who is a nobody. Got it.

Why are we doing this in 2019?

Haven’t we already seen this movie? With all these people?