

Pavel Datsyuk = Sulky Dat Vape

This isn't what I come to DadPenis for.

Nice try Kotaku.........

There's this thing called "infrastructure" that we need first. Sure, some people are sitting on wonderful broadband. But there's a lot who aren't.

Speak for yourself. I collect movies, and can say without a doubt that Netflix does not compare to Blu-ray in terms of quality - which is something that matters greatly to me. What happens if Steam (somehow) goes down permanently? All your money spent on digital games that do not physically exist will go down the

As a movie collector, I wholeheartedly disagree. 1080p Netflix != 1080p Blu-ray. I prefer quality over quantity.

That's still no excuse for Microsoft's aggressively anti-consumer policies at a point in time when the United States has the worst broadband infrastructure of any first world country.

But they'll look back at Microsoft trying to ease them into

Your take is so hot, I just burned myself reading it.

Gosh. If only someone on the internet had the wherewithal to assemble a website highlighting the foibles of the American left wing. It's a shame we have to rely solely on i09 for our wry examination of cultural politics.

I can't imagine voluntarily going to a wedding.

I think it's obvious at this point that they've decided that laying down the ground work is too hard, so they're just going to jump the gun and make their Justice League movie with nothing but a poorly-recieved Zack Snyder movie to go on.

That would be awesome. But first they tried to make a Superman movie and some how made him Batman. But even that wasn't Batman enough so they put Batman in the sequel.

why on earth would anyone complain about accurate casting? Since the original character is black... I think you're the one missing something here. Or just trying to stir up stupid shit.

...looks around in confusion trying to find anyone saying anything like what you're yelling about....

I'll just sit over here and wait until they reboot Superman in another five years and hope they do it right with the Kents being the Kents and Clark being Clark this time.

this movie just doesn't feel right... quick! throw more characters at it!

I've tried so. hard. to remain optimistic about this movie. But every new character announced seems to further drive home the fact that WB/Snyder/Goyer/whoever else is responsible for it all does not understand why Marvel's massive movie universe works at all, and that we're going to see a massive disaster that