Yeah a quick glance through the replies & the impression is quickly "NEVER SPEAK ILL OF SOMEONE'S SPECIAL DAY! IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD DON'T COME BUT UNDERSTAND IT MAKES YOU AN ASSHOLE".
Yeah a quick glance through the replies & the impression is quickly "NEVER SPEAK ILL OF SOMEONE'S SPECIAL DAY! IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD DON'T COME BUT UNDERSTAND IT MAKES YOU AN ASSHOLE".
I felt bad a couple of years ago because I couldn't attend a friend's politely affordable wedding because another friend asked me to be one of his groomsmen for a wedding in The Bahamas a couple of weeks prior. The cheapest part of the whole thing was the $800 tux rental arranged for me. It was an all around expensive…
Really at this point (teams of the last 3 years) the only reason you fear the Pens in a playoff series is the probability of calls not going your way late in a Game 7...or 6 depending on the series standings. The offensive overload hasn't worked like planned which is death in the playoffs because they've pretty much…
Fleury is an enigma. I can't imagine how bi-polar of an experience it is to watch him as the fan of the team paying him to be a franchise goalie. Although I imagine the experience is less bi-polar by now than it is just bitter cold & without trust even during the highs.
MLB: Where "Hey, just don't be obvious about it" is a rule.
Judge: Exactly why is it you feel you should be emancipated from your parents?
So a guy with a history of heart trouble wants to take a stressful job with a team that is almost addicted to turmoil & chaos and for an insanely rich contract shows up for said job noticeably overweight? Yeah, this is definitely a James Dolan move.
Yeah. The idea that it's supporters, victims or their friends & family making sure that this dialogue continues is pretty much fantasy when it comes to Twitter/message board sports fans. I feel safe guessing that 90% of the people tweeting about Lueke being a rapist would've been the ones feverishly defending him or…
The people who handle these Twitter promotions are stupid even by the standards already set by their colleagues.
The main guy's reaction is cheapened a bit when you learn he's just reusing his reaction when he found out "Free Bra Day" was just a joke.
This shit does reward fans (of other teams) when it backfires though & a GM feels like he has seen thru the smokescreen & takes a player way too early, like the aforementioned Browns or Jerry Jones drafting Quincy Carter.
It's shtick. I remember when he was promoting K-19 he'd start off ripping that he was playing a Russian & saying he had no idea what it was about before actually plugging it. Any time he's on Conan he's like that but it's never serious & people from the show say he's one of the most fun guests they have.
Doesn't this guy have a pretty nasty reputation for behavior at games? I'm almost positive I've heard horror stories about "the Malkamania guy" at Penguins' games. It probably says enough about his mental state that he would have a problem with Pierre McGuire as a Pens fan considering most of the country hates Pierre…
You're lucky that isn't actually him because View Askew fanboys would be threatening to rape & murder your mother, sister, wife and or daughters by now.
Considering his hundreds of replies to people disagreeing with his statement about one of professional sports most renowned nice guys being a "loser", I'd say yes...he is trolling.
Thank goodness they kept her name out of this. It would've been awful for her to get swarmed by an army of psychopaths because a gossip entity misinterpreted a police report & refused to retract their story under seemingly a "Where there's smoke...there's gotta be fire!" policy. She woke up in the hospital with no…
That's probably a higher percentage than Mushnick himself.
He gets paid in delicious sodium-free saltines & a "Racial Slurs of the 1950s" word-a-day calendar.
Ah yes, the coveted 8 pm on a fucking Sunday on ESPN stage. Easily a real baseball fan's favorite slot, just barely behind Fox's glorious 4 PM on a beautiful Saturday afternoon one.