I'm guessing "no Space Jam 2 or WB project in works" means that WB wasn't offering him what he wanted & his people released the rumor & denied it to try to turn "buzz" for the project into leverage.
I'm guessing "no Space Jam 2 or WB project in works" means that WB wasn't offering him what he wanted & his people released the rumor & denied it to try to turn "buzz" for the project into leverage.
I doubt Miami lets that investigation get too far. The last thing they'd want to do is send a message to wealthy people that they could go to jail for raping people while there.
I remember a few years ago you really couldn't rebuild a team in franchise without playing every game. My friend & I used to do it with Browns & Bills and no matter how stacked we'd make the rosters it seemed like the AI still saw them as bottom teams & simulated results went accordingly. I recall one time in…
Well hell, even Darren McFadden can make it thru a game without getting injured.
Ironically Russo's suggested idea was to NOT have the rim & backboard on a pole.
Shit, unfortunately since this guy last played high school ball that means Deadspin's resident former football badass isn't the one making a comeback. http://deadspin.com/as-someone-who…
"As someone who played college football and had brief experience on practice squads and preseason rosters, I trust my knowledge of the NFL culture over the rest of the desk-jockeys. "
Maybe, but that they didn't take an easy out in firing him when they had already gotten rid of Leslie Frazier says more to me.
I wouldn't count in it onsidering what happened with Preifer in Minnesota, his head coach wasn't even there to fall on his sword for him & he STILL kept his job.
Yep. I made a comment in an earlier post with the part about Turner "not remembering" if he did that. This will be interesting because it becomes a lot harder to believe that Philbin didn't know what was going on. Even if he truly had no idea, it looks bad post-Greg Williams bounty scandal that a head coach wouldn't…
I'm sure a "real" Asian-American, arguably more real than yourself who is in NO WAY actually a racist white guy will be along shortly to tell you how you're wrong & this was not a big deal at all & if the guy was so offended, why didn't he assault them?
"Your honor, at no point did the alleged 'victim' make it explicitly clear to my client that they did not wish to be robbed at gunpoint. Had they known this wasn't okay with them, obviously they would've left them alone."
"Turner was aware of the running “joke” that Player A was gay, and on at least one occasion, he participated in the taunting. Around Christmas 2012, Coach Turner gave the offensive linemen gift bags that included a variety of stocking stuffers. The gifts included inflatable female dolls for all of the offensive…
I think it's wonderful to see so many fine representatives from "The Coalition of ACTUAL & REAL Black, Asian, & Gay Americans For Racist White Men" here in the comments.
It's hard to blame her, I hear they first noticed him when he picked his nose & wiped the booger on the guy in front of him.
I saw an Andi Petrillo segment from Saturday about skating & it was more informative & entertaining than anything I've seen on NBC. Now of course I see that YouTube is blocking access from USA to CBC's Olympic videos, gee I wonder who made that happen?
I actually live in New York (sorry to shatter the otherwise perfectly sculpted Portlandia stereotype, guys)
I used to have ones about being late for school which was funny because when I was awake I couldn't give the slightest of a fuck about being late for school.