
Something other than the recent "Take two steps forward then stand still congratulating yourself & sniffing your own farts for 3 years" business model would suffice.

Is there a way we can get ALL live entertainment permits revoked? It'd be nice to be able to go to some of my favorite bar/restaurants on Saturday past 8 without either having to pay a cover charge to watch someone who is generally terrible at performing music DO so, or have to suffer through it while I eat.

At least she got paid well.

The heartburn I got from chili at Doubleday Cafe begs to differ, Mr. Gammons.

Wow. Kit Cloudkicker has fallen on tough times since Higher for Hire went bankrupt.

There will be 500 openly gay NFL players before there's 1 bigot that responds to being called a bigot by confirming it.

I contacted a friend to see if he'll share his story of being asked/forced into participating in one of those reunions by NFL people. They flipped out on his wife & kids because they (not being morons) realized they would be seeing him at the game & might not be as emotional as they'd like.

It should be noted however in talking about the positives of the NHL's replay system, the command center will fairly often uphold bad calls (mostly judgement but have seen a few that were just misinterpretations of rules) as to not undermine the on-ice officials.

Hopefully his final moments didn't include being shoved out of the way by some Schiano.

Congratulations Rex, you've won another summer & fall of getting asked "Are you worried about your job security?" while your owner twiddles his thumbs & tries to pretend like no person in the organization makes those kinds of decisions & they just get an anonymous letter every December telling them if the coach stays.

Try again, Glen Beck.

If it were Harper or Trout we'd be lauding the speed as "determined & gritty".

What kind of vain, self-absorbed a-hole needs video record of them "pranking" a child and finds it such a testament of their wit that they must share it with the world? Do they also have video footage of them doing sick dunks on lowered basketball rims?

"Owner Jerry Jones actually downplayed Romo's injury when asked about it Sunday:"

To make up for the "boring" hockey game experience, the boy's father bought him a black man afterwards.

I'm hoping they slow things down just a tad, in terms of traumatic experiences in such a short amount of time at least. Season 1 paced things out, even when they were at the most danger in Savannah. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone still waiting to play, but 3 pretty awful things happen in the first few minutes of

So it's "Bros before hos" but not "Bros before ho ho hos"?

(Do turds have bright spots? Whatever.)

No, a Schiano man would've spent it on Christmas gifts then drove to St. Jude's, invited the kids down & then call them out for being weak pussies that don't deserve gifts.

Professional panhandlers are fucking awful, but using their existence as reason to not give to people claiming to be in need is like grounding your child because the neighbor kid cheated on a test at school.