
Barring some insanity like turning your home into an early 2000s' Olive Garden commercial "Heyya evena though wea notta thea EYEtalian myya grandapa hea tella crazya stories when wea eata thea EYEtalian food!" for the dinner, they would not be offended in the same way I would not be offended if I visited my friend in


She's known locally as the woman who orders pizza & calls the police when an "intruder" shows up at her door 30 minutes later.

What an asshole. I could understand if someone didn't vote for Winston with the "integrity" angle because they didn't feel completely comfortable with the reasons he wasn't charged. To do this & explain the reason is because he had sex at all? Also, I don't have a problem with not voting for Jameis Winston, but the

I think Seattle going that big on Cano was a genuine & surreal shock to The Yankees who I think will now do whatever they have to, not so much about building a championship team but just one that wins & with stars people want to see. They seemed to be holding on to the budget plan until they found out just how much

There's this too:

Yeah that could be true.

I voted yes on Edgar because that guy was a nightmare to get out.

This is just an awful story all around from the crime (he's ACCUSED of so far at least) to the timing of this coming out (it sucks a lot of the little remaining fun there is left in college football) to the sobering reminder that the only reason this came out now (not because anyone really wanted justice for the

Poor thing, first the embarrassment of the picture going viral then the scorn she'll get for body-shaming others by "showing off how impossibly sexy she looks after eating pizza".

The other great thing about this video is it will probably help some poor woman identify the guy who sexually assaulted her.

I like how every time a Gawker site does one of these "Morons on Twitter" posts there's always an abundance of guys who have their profile photo as them with their girlfriend, almost as if they feel extra burden to prove that another human being willingly spends time with them.

I assume this will be adjusted in the offseason for players who cross the goal line. With most newer rules there are always lots of scenarios they don't anticipate when initially proposing it.

I would need to be handcuffed to to a pipe in the basement to keep me from attacking a dinner host that served homemade cranberry sauce instead of canned.

Every time I see an athlete get shit for accepting an offer that people with WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more money than they'll ever earn even in their rather luxurious lifetime made to them, I want to punch a hole in the wall. I don't even like Kobe, but I think it's awesome he actually said that. It's just bullshit

Oh be gone troll.

This is why precincts should identify their most "rage prone" officers & instead of putting them out there to use excessive force on people in the streets they can send them to sporting events where their brute force will be met with resounding acclaim.

You even vaguely familiar with Deadspin? Or did you just have a Google alert set for "New Jersey" & took a break from endlessly calling WFAN & threatening your wife/girlfriend with violence for being "disrespectful" to defend Rutgers with the passion & anger most save for things that are actually important? You are

Cool you care so much about it then!
