At 7 he has both met & surpassed the academic achievements of the majority of his adult Jets fan brethren.
At 7 he has both met & surpassed the academic achievements of the majority of his adult Jets fan brethren.
The Foodspin that I really need right now is:
I've been pretty impressed with the Empty Yogurt Container of My Love films, certainly not your conventional Turkish avant-garde horror franchise. However this summer's 3rd installment left me wanting a little more. The pre-prequel as a straight sequel thing was hard to stay into.
Not even just the jokes, but on the fucking cliche as fuck chalkboard. It's like that joke from "The World's End" about how every pub looks exactly the same. It's a double originality fail.
It's a good thing Leitch has been busy all afternoon writing a strongly worded letter to Merriam-Webster about their dictionary not having enough positive adjectives that he can use to describe Woody Allen's latest film.
Does DC have to do a (good) Wonder Woman movie first? I've always found Marvel's lineup of female heroes to be a little on the "meh" end of the spectrum. A lot of characters who I like in team-up/ensemble stories but I've never really followed as a singular character. This is an age of reinvention though so they…
My friend was at that game & was texting me about how obnoxious the fans around him were regarding sending a clearly hurt & diminished RG3 out there. "THIS IS WHEN YOU EARN YOUR MONEY! GET IN THERE!" "This is the NFL, no sacrifice no victory!" and shit. Then when it was apparent that he was seriously injured I asked…
1. Sweetened
I can just picture a pack of middle-aged white guys in suits behind the cameras laughing like they're at a comedy show featuring a Murderer's Row of stand-up comics while everyone else is just cringing.
Tequan Richmond! He played one of my favorite lovable sorta dumb characters ever on Everybody Loves Chris.
Better article title:
Especially in this wing of Gawker Media. I think the plan is for Jezebel to eventually become all GIF, no actual words will be typed. Even by staff.
Is there something just naturally racisty about yoga & pilates culture? A friend became an instructor in the last couple of years & she went from being a really cool person to being the type of person who has no qualms about being casually racist.
It just seems like they'll have one game where multiple d-linemen get sacks & that justifies the entire philosophy, with no concern for the games sandwiched around it where they had no pass rush & their corners were getting torched & their LB's are bouncing off any RB that breaks past the line of scrimmage.
Fewell's faults mesh with the organization's philosophy of "The best way to build a winning team is to count on getting 20 sacks a game" so as little as I value him, if it wasn't him calling the shots there it would be someone else just like him. Gilbride has way more of the team's fate in his hands so yeah, I agree…
Having "License Plate Guy" as your superfan gimmick is only a shade more respectable than being known as "McDonald's Collectible Cup Guy".
2 Super Bowls & he's "coached" one of the NFL's top offenses for nearly a decade & ZERO interviews. Not even at the college level, there was a rumor a couple years ago that UConn was after him & that ended up being complete bullshit, maybe even started by The Giants just to give the impression that someone wanted that…
I have a feeling this sports agent venture will be the end of athletes wanting to associate with Jay Z so badly. I don't think HE'D directly do anything wrong, but that business attracts some real pieces of shit.
The morning after her "performance" when everyone was piling on her for how sexually charged it was her people couldn't have been more thrilled. The racial issues were completely swept under the rug as people were too busy defending her right to be a sexual being & "life is complicated ESPECIALLY AT 20!" which is just…