
“I mean, you wouldn’t be buying it to send a kid off to college in”

Congratulations. Today you earned your screen name.

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It’s by Hans Zimmer, and it’s (probably?) called “you’re so cool”.

Incidentally, “not so fast” will be an accurate description of Revis as a member of the Buffalo Bills.

The US has more advanced weapons than nukes. Think HAARP (which now uses sea-based X band radar (SBX). The government has saturated the ionosphere with highly charge particles to facilitate their Tesla-weapons and weather mod programs. Thats why you see thunder storms in the middle of winter flurries and lighting

You sure you wanna take that chance? It may not like the heat of the engine and poke around until it finds the air intake of the cabin. Then you are driving along and you feel a little tongue licking at your ankles and sliding up your paint leg. Yeah, get that out of your head.

Gigantic Russian dick sounds good to me

Let this orange cunt walk.

I appreciate Pagani’s performance, but the designs? Tacky and over styled in a rich-guy-that-went-to-some-place-and-designed-the-car-himself way.

when you exceed 100 mph, something rises up from the seat and tickles your balls, just in case you were thinking that life couldn’t get any better

I was gonna say... did this fucking moron just call SNL, a live comedy skit show, “Fake News”?

Yep. Its not enought that they are wealthy. That they live a life even upper middle class americans cant imagine. Its that they seems to want to make sure they increase their gap as far from everyone else as possible. History has seen this disparity before, it normally doesnt end well for the wealthy, which is why the

It’s actually 28 minutes of commercials per hour. I caclulcated it once from the live stream when I was bored. 4 commercial breaks. 3 of those run for 5-6 minutes. The fourth (top of the hour) runs about the same for most ESPN radio shows, but is closer to 8-9 minutes for M&M. And then Greenie reads no fewer than 4 on

Is that Georgia O’Keeffe’s yacht?

Camaro owners are just jealous your car has enough visibility to choose your target.

Celebrities asking “do you know who I am?” are always the best.

I was selling a drum machine on ebay and used to list my phone number for any questions. It was a $1 start price, with like $800 reserve and $1K buy it now. So, one day I get a call - the dude says “Hey, I’m DJ Shadow, you know who I am?” me: “No” Him: “I want to buy your machine drum and I see that it’s now bid up to

This one time, Jimmy Fallon was on TV.

Best fucking comment I’ve ever seen.