
Not that I mind, but WTFNSFW, dude

So many rads, so little time


Hey, good to know Pirelli does well in the snow - I also got 295's for my GT350, will give it a go.

I just slapped some winter tires on my GT350 and was wondering whether I should attempt winter driving it... Your post has me intrigued.

Something... Plaxico Burress... something... didn’t have a leg to stand on... you glue this pun together.

Actually, if the drive is operational, wiping it should be sufficient. Anything beyond that is in the realm of uninformed an truly paranoid:

Sorry, my tape got destroyed at Kelly Lynch part... you know which one...

Is this English?

Never tell me the odds...

Throw us the uninitiated a bone, will ya?

I had one of those... and sold it. WTF was I thinking???

It was.

I would say that all on that list, with the exception of 2007 TL TypeS have been outstanding cars with personality of their own. TL TypeS was what started my dislike for Acura. Biggest gripe was the “hydraulic assist” for clutch that completely obliterated any sense of when clutch would engage. It was impossible and

I have NOT forgotten - I owned tons of Acuras - my favorite cars up until recently:

Allrighty then.

and ftr, I did end my “feedback” by writing “IMHO”, clearly marking it as my opinion. What compelled you to trollololo in response, other than looking to stir shit up?

What made you think I care about what you want, especially when you went full dick for no reason, other than acting like an insecure ricer fanboy?