I can see the customer list being an excellent source of leads for proper agencies to examine. Because everyone knows that law obiding citizen has no use for this technology.
I can see the customer list being an excellent source of leads for proper agencies to examine. Because everyone knows that law obiding citizen has no use for this technology.
Not chocolate chip cookie? :*(
SPRINT? LOL. Makes VZ seem like Bugatti of carriers. Oh, and good luck getting decent coverage even in the areas they advertise. Worst decision EVER.
I'm already paying VZ $200/mo for interwebz+TV+premium channels. Plus they're getting about $150 each month for my phone. If that sort of business is not enough, surely there are other options out there that will appreciate this sort of business.
As someone with a first hand experience riding these mystical "model" creatures, I can tell you that no padding on hip/pelvic bones = entering a world of pain and chaffing (sometimes).
...so no one sees you feeding them sammich?
One does not simply sue Mordor....
tl;dr ERROR 37
Tell all that 10,000 hours BS to Zucks, Pages, Gates, and other gigazillionaires of the world. Elitist BS. I got my "Become a social network billionaire in 21 days" book and by the Allmighty Jobs I'll be one!!! And then you'll all be the laughing stock of... ME!!!!!! BUWHAHAHAHAHAA
I see a Starship Enterprise. Or a logo for defunct .COM start-up. Most certainly not a veeejayjay.
tl;dr summary: "bitches be crazy, yo"
My sarcasm-o-meter was red lining second time around, hence my "neither here nor there" poke. I actually wanted to extrapolate your theorem by introducing the Jesus riding the dinosaur paradox and a converse thereof: dinosaur riding Jesus... but I was too lazy. :)
Purely anecdotal... when one does find evidence of him NOT performing his duties due to bias, it is then perfectly OK to demote him. Until then, I think his pro-bono first amendment lawyer stands a good chance of getting him a nice settlement, courtesy of FL taxpayers, 1st amendment and wrongful termination statutes.
George should have shot him instead, IMO.
The apologetic white guilt, while every white newscaster in the news media tries to one-up itself with wearing hoodies, chest bumping, etc. is quite offensive, tbh.
Now, THAT's hacking the planet.
Drink up flower child. The corporations allow that. For now. For free too.
I can clearly see your nuts
Hey, tormialksham, sign out of giz when you leave your pc, will ya? There's no reason rest of us, the inquiring minds, need to be trolled by your mom, looking through your browsing history, hoping against hope for at least finding one MATCH.COM or lord answer her prayers, [christiansingles.com] cookies hiding among…