and don't forget marshmallows and potato chips. niiiiiiiiiiice!
and don't forget marshmallows and potato chips. niiiiiiiiiiice!
Your comment will be remembered when our Android-operated super-intelligent, sentinent overlords take over. Oh yes, it will.
Did Giz just pull a Deadmau5 pic that was initially posted? What happened? Joel's lawyers already complained? WTF?
I C WHAT U DID THAR! Moar ghosts n stuff.
Sorry, I think the image depicts him ordering something else online... more.. sensual.
Ugh those Lenovo drift clits (pardon the analogy). Love the convenience, hate the fact that I have to chase my pointer all over the screen or wait until it centers after movement. STOOOPID!
Pharma companies are HUGE on iPads. Especially in sales. I even know of one pharma company that sent their marketing materials to doctors on the iPads. You know, to help them *cough* make a better decision *cough* err... which maker's meds give preference to *cough*.
Android IS Linux... FWIW. And perhaps THE most widely deployed version thereof.
Well, that's what commercial success does to creativity, I guess.
I lol'd. But it said Sweden, not Poland.
moms everywhere hate him for following this one simple trick. That's right after he learned the truth about acai, went back to college on Obama dollars, pissed off a shitload of dermatologists everywhere, and saved money on his car insurance.
And a built in portable emc SAN array. Yes I remember when 4TB SAN array was the kitten's mittens.
pffft... couldn't give a shit if he used garage band. still unimaginative suck.
All bark and no "byte", you are... :-p
That that razor-sharp comment was poked full of holes and bled to death. Stick a fork in it/fold it up - your choice.
Hey Audi 5000, just a shot in the dark - do you own an Audi? If so, I bet YOUR interior is cloth covered, right? Or shoes you're wearing are canvas. And you're vegan.
stupidest name for producer, ever. and his tracks are copy of a previous track copy of a previous track, blah. Overhyped Corsten's protege whose 15 mins of fame are way expired.
I was about to scream the same, LMAO!!! o/*\o Hi Five, yo! It's like you're mind reading what I said. I intend to come back here in a year to remind myself why I heart-clicked you.
They have their own lab. It's all Betamax, UHF and Microsoft BOB-based though.