
Is there an equivalent one for tube eight or others like it? I think it can be narrowed down to 1/4 of that...

I sure am glad to realize my hobby is not as awful as this motley crew's... and I actually managed to avoid most of these horrific, life-consuming time wasters.

@OCEntertainment: There you go, letting facts get in the way of.. whatever it is that article intended... oh yes, get Giz un-blacklisted from Apple events. Hope Steve is paying attention.

If I was making this much loot, had an empire of a company where I was in control of everything and extended such control to the products I sold, where I was on the verge of seing my most formidable enemy (microsoft) relegated to the back rows of the theater and I was on stage front and center... and didn I mention

Danny: Can I get a large black coffee?

@m57: Biased opinion is biased... I had very little fun standing in line for 30 minutes to PAY FOR A PURCHASE in Apple Store. Right before x-mass, I had to wait in line JUST TO GET INTO THE STORE...

@deepgloat: Damn. That's it!!! Though, I thought it only applied to reproductive organs... Come to think of it, that's an impressive collection of extensions. Yeah. That's how I'll soothe the stinging pain that I'll never even get a chance to drive one of these, let alone own one... :)

@m57: I have a Reward Zone Silver, which gives me 45 day return policy, no restocking fee on anything, including laptops, and I don't have to schedule an appointment a week in advance to address my concerns.

@snitch: Irrelevant. but last I checked, batteries in most apple products are not user-replaceable. How much were they charging me for it again?

This is the stuff revolutions are made of. Opulence to the vulgar extremes. I admire it, yet loathe it at the same time. I think there's a word for it, I just can't figure it out...

"A vroom of his own"... how clever! So cheeky! So sublime.

@kwahhn: LOL... though I bet his garage is more locked than Fort Knox.

So, a "for profit corporation" wants me to give them money, so they can increase their profit? Do I get free product? Oh. I don't. Hm. Do I get a back rub? no? Hm. Perhaps I get something in return for my investment? Ah, yes. For about $100 I get an iPad case that looks like it can pull in a double-duty for those

@snitch: Compassion - there's an app for that. Hang on, let me turn it on. Darn... batteries are busted, got to take it to Genius Bar for a $90 swap, brb.

Uh-oh... Time for new oil filter, erm, Chinese Livery, er.. I mean Execution van, errr. I mean... new liver transplant.

For $500:

@sudo rm -rf /: Ok, you convinced me. As long as I don't have to endure any Vogon poetry... ;)

@sudo rm -rf /: I say... nay. I wish I could abandon ship but three fundamental problems:

@dan-says: I, for one, won't fall for this trap. No sir. Schiit you not.