
Came here for Schiit jokes, leaving happy, seeing how well-covered in Schiit everything is.

@usfslacker86: One of the main reasons I haven't switched to another phone... NO EASY WAY TO BACKUP!!!! Aside from contacts - my apps, settings, etc - even if I were to swap for same thing, I can't backup/restore easily, without rooting.

@usfslacker86: It's already my 2nd set... I'm actually countemplating biting the bullet and going back to iPhone, once VZ starts carrying it. Just can't take this Epic Crap anymore.

@sudo rm -rf /: Oh. Well. I'm sure we feel very particular about that aspect... and I most certainly do as well. However, seeing that we're all passengers on this blue ball, there aren't too many options, short of pooping on deck, to control what is inevitable. Something like 99.8% of all species that ever lived on

@Fuzzy Logic: Once you swype, you won't want to type. Best. Thing. Ever.

@lucian.armasu01: Don't you know? Nokia and RIM both attended same "how to give up record market position in record time" class and aced it with flying colors. I honestly have no love for RIM. Blackberry pearl was probably as exciting as a case of clap and that's being generous. Oh, I do remember having checked out

Does anyone else think that the only way for RIM not to go the way of the pagers and Dodo is to become a software/service company?

Yaaawwwn... Huh? What? Oh... Blackberry... Yawn. Ok, I'm back to sleep. Call me when it becomes an app in Android/iPhone app stores. Until then, not interested in RIM hardware.

Conservation of energy tells ut so: energy is neither created nor destroyed. Why is everyone so panicked about it? So ice caps are melting! Big f-n deal... Just mother earth taking a bath and we're like fleas.. some may stay, some will get washed away. She's been here for over 4.5 billion years. She's doing great.

@nahde: I shouldn't have to root my phone and expectation is that I DON'T. If company is going to restrict me from doing it myself, I should reserve my wrath for the company when they fail to fix problems that would have otherwise been fixed, have they not created all sorts of obsticles for me.

Personally, I see this as a perfect loophole to be released from a contract without paying an ETF. If a phone has glaring issues that cannot be resolved by simple OS reload and neither carrier nor manufacturer offer any direct remedies, you should either

@JLebowski: Also, another hole in your statement:

@JLebowski: problem is that it's not as simple anymore. When you're buying a product these days the presumption is that the company will stand behind the product, much like a car warranty, for at least some limited period of time.

@ivan256: Let me show you my leather helmet. My leather helmet, let me show you it.

@DPeezy: Being tripped up or falling on a frozen ground, hitting with your head can cause concussion. You don't want to see aggressive sport? Go watch figure skating or synchronized swimming. Just leave your bollox at the door.

@jdale: Take a look at Eli Manning. If he doesn't look like the kid riding the short bus in that helmet of his... then you haven't seen him play. (Otherwise, you'd agree that helmet or not, Eli used to ride the short bus)

@Dethzilla: Don't remind me... Imagine that... she's a teacher now. And 5'9".... and smoking... *sobbing, wailing, pillow-watering cry*

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Right, just spread those cheeks and wait your turn. Now, there's a jolly good bottom poofter (albeit a bit loose one).

@m.dean:Poor lad you... such a bad vision. But our transgendered gardner just couldn't resist the temptation. Hoope you can forgive him for taking advantage of the..... opportunity.