There was a time when I didn't have to google "squirting women" - she was AMAZING... ;)
There was a time when I didn't have to google "squirting women" - she was AMAZING... ;)
@Kid_Wonderbread: Obviously you have not visited your dentist in a while, eh? :)
@DARTH_TIGRIS: I have a soft spot for Microsoft and The Underdog? :)
@BeefSupreme: No. 2012 is a date of mass-expiration. Sorry, but millions of Mayans can't be wrong.
"Each second of music requires about 1.5 million bits, which are represented as tiny pits and lands ranging from 0.9 to 3.3 micrometers in length. More than 19 billion channel bits are recorded as a spiral track of alternating pits and lands over a distance of 5.38 kilometers (3.34 miles), which are scanned at walking…
@Almightywhacko: I though that Droid was playing the role of the Evil iPhone? (well, a re-make. not a very good one. Hey, it's "hello moto!")
@mtfmuffins: I admired that too!
@Tomas Isaac Lopez Olvera: stupid analogy is stupid.
@19XX: uh... does not compute
@moldy912: *DAMNITSOMUCH!*
@SashaM: Buh buh buh... what about turning the other cheek? What about loving others? WHAT WOULD JEEBUS DO?!!!!
@xulldox: Seconded.
What I want is an LTE-compatible iPad. I'll stick a Skype or Google Voice on it and get rid of phone requirement... PERIOD!
@thenail: Walled, guarded, sanitized, neutered garden.
@DARTH_TIGRIS: I'm sorry little buddy. *gently pats on head*
@Kid_Wonderbread: That's one thing I miss now on Sprint. Yes. I do surf while talking. You may have heard of this crazy thing called "bluetooth". Well, it allows me to talk on the phone without actually holding it to my ear, using an earpiece.
@Jeremiah Gard: I want to take my Galaxy S and throw it out the window more than I ever did iPhone...