
Oh. one other thing. Your ID is already present. It's your IP. Your ISP keeps track of it. When it was assigned. Where did it go. What did it do. For savvy folks who use proxies you technically can still be identified as someone who uses proxies and therefore have something to hide.

"National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace" = NSTIC

This is fucked up beyond belief and sad, but understandable. I still naively believe there maybe help for those that seek it.

@SashaM: With all due respect... GO FUCK YOURSELF. As someone who experienced "fundie love" first hand... I'd rather face hell. So, yeah.. Fuck you and the bible you thump, mindless drone that you are.

@Ninety-9: Nor Republicans.... ;-p

@daPrinz: Look on the bright side: whoever ends up buying this is essentially laying out a welcome mat for pirates. This is one ship I hope, if built, gets a Somali welcome from a business end of several dozen anti-tank RPGs. I would give it a standing ovation and not shed a single tear.

@Trystian: Fair enough. Still, needs a wider base, to prevent permanent submergence. Just sayin. ;-)

@CSX321: Is that a Coke bottle in your pants or are you just happy to see me? :-D

@bricky06: looks like a rubber duckie to me... quack quack!

@Trystian: They never fished it out of her, did they?

@CSX321: ...and you're OK with being a cuckold?

@C3PA: No Niagra Falls? No buy. Sorry, try again. Also, you forgot Starbucks.

The mere IDEA of this... is enough to set the world afire in a revolution. This is glutony at its finest. The only way to top this would be to start offering personal intergallactic space ships... and if that happens, you'll find my stowaway a$$ hiding in the improbability drive engine bay.

@decece: I read that as "besides, the mental image of my 20 year old girlfriend dripping wet inside the house is too much for me"...

Is it safe to assume that people who live or intend to live in this house must abandon their urge to throw stones? If that's the case... not interested.

@Fekdep: In NJ - that's about right. Especially around Princeton (or ritzier) areas. My co-worker's uncle (rich doc) owns a house up here. His property taxes for a house sitting on 5 acres is about $30K a year. *shrug*