
Yes, people are missing the point. Sure, you have a preference for Nvidia cards, but killing off the competition is bad for everyone. I have used both in the past and currently I am running an Nvidia card, but if AMD came out with an equivalent card, I would choose based on price to performance. I dont think the

Technically Rare wasnt even allowed to be Rare throughmuch of the xbox 360 days being relegated to avatars and other MS crap. It was a wasted studio. I applaud them for what they have tried to do with Sea of Thieves, and regardless of how people feel about it, Rare has had a piece of my heart since my SNES, and I cant

I played solo this morning, and everything was going great until another ship shows up, wrecking me, then to make matters worse, I would spawn back on my boat after a loading screen, which gave them time to loot my ship. I died trying to get to the cannons, I died trying to raise the anchor and take off. There was

First of all, WHAT? Second its MILLENNIALS... And third, You do know that adults pay for Netflix and those adults also complained about the potential implications of having services throttled? Your random spouting of words, incorrectly might I add, seems a little out there. Second, you didnt read the letter in the

It’s early access, and it has already shown improvement. I run it on the x, and it’s ok, for the most part. But I don’t think I could handle the game on an OG xbone. I would consider it a watch and see instead of buy if you don’t have the One X.

I wasn’t interested in the slightest, tried it, absolutely love it. Sorry I can’t help.

Yeah its not civilization revolution!!!! Full Civ 6

Yes, did you read the article? They offer a variable resolution to hit 60fps on the X. Not a downgrade in quality, just resolution, but nothing below 1080. On the pro, to hit that same mark, you would have to dip below 1080p, which would never happen on Sonys most powerful console. Sure maybe at 900p it would run at

Thats what you got out of literally everything I said? Wow. Just wow.

Its fair, and as a gamer you can choose how to play. I’m 36 now, and got less and less interested in PC games based on time that I had to play. I want to turn on a system and go. Buy before kids and such I loved the PC ecosystem, the cheaper games, and the tweaking to squeeze the most out of my hardware and the games.

I think you are missing the reason why they dont do this.

Highest settings, that means nothing. Providing a resolution would help. A console is not equivalent to a new PC today, so if it can run the game at 60fps and above 1080 most of the time, it is in fact probably better than your PC. Also, bump your resolution up to 4k, and let me know if your 4 year old video card can

I play on literally everything, but my PC has been pushed aside recently by my Xbox one x and the switch. I used to be exclusive PC based but as I got older I cared less about tweaking games to run and instead went for the standard console experience. I don’t play 1-3 games a lot, I have 167 games installed on my x

Roy Moore lost. There’s still hope!

Lets be more realistic. If you are watching movies, the difference between a 4k and 1080p set at a 55 inch or lower TV, sure its hard to tell that there is extra pixels in there. But as a gamer, its totally different.

And they fired him months ago. But its cool, you keep reading those Repub talking points. They have gone so well so far. Fake news=Real, Allegedly molesting children=literally molested children, A Dem on the mueller investigation=burn the witches!

I’ve said this a million times, but I would take a supply drops or loot crates in any game as long as its cosmetic. Thats the difference when it comes to full priced games and loot crates. I’ve paid for several items in Rocket League and I’m okay with it, because I didnt have to buy it to win. I bought it to make my

Hell even with just the word ‘Streaming’

Are you looking for a new racing game with some incredible tracks? Do you like forza 6, but want to see some improvements made to track handling and weather systems? Do you want to race 700 cars? Are you buying an Xbox one x? If you said yes to any of these, then you probably want the next forza game.

I also have to agree, the windows store is really not that bad. Its full of garbage, but other than that, its come a long way. Personally I use it for my Play Anywhere titles, and its really just a matter of opening the store instead of steam, uplay, origin, gog, etc. So I dont see the issues that the original