
And next can we talk about the large amounts of extra profit being made from digital content that bring in about $20 more per copy than retail?

You’re fun, can I keep you?

When you sell a game at 60 bucks a pop and sell ten million copies, making an easy few million, I find the arguement of games being expensive to be slightly invalid. First it was dlc, now it’s dlc and micro transactions. Next, probably nano transactions....

I own it, played it for a bit, but all I wanted was to play with at least a friend while we travelled the galaxy together. I never got that, and while I am sure the game has improved, I cant go back to playing in a world sparse of other characters that arent generic aliens in bases.

There are story elements, boss battles, but its mostly lore found on the map that you can piece together. Personally I found it to be okay since I can learn about the history while also doing my day to day in the game while I do it. But if you are looking for a true story, this is not that game

Given that you have several ways to play, from single player, to hosting your own server, or a local server, cheats rarely occur at this point. The largest issue was the dupe issue which is resolved unless you are on a legacy server.

The interface is completely overhauled on all platforms. Its not bad now on consoles

You just played into it. Way to profile an entire other side of the argument by callsaying my them racist inbreeders. I get that these trolls are assholes on the internet, but you are feeding their creation of hate with comments like this.

I dont find the game boring, I quite like it. But I like it because of the slow pace. Since you already dropped money on the game, run a game with 6x harvest, xp and 3x taming, and the game becomes much less of a grind. It gives you the freedom to do more in the game in a shorter time setting. I prefer it this way.

I can confirm local coop as well as online. Its a lot of fun!

It’s an okay recommendation. The shield is an excellent device, but still lacks the 4k bluray player which makes the difference. Especially given the slight price difference between the two, the one s is a better buy.

I always hate to admit it, because I don’t use my Xbox one for most media related things, but it is an excellent media machine. 4k bluray is gorgeous especially with hdr. Lots of apps from plex to, of course Netflix. But at the same time, if you buy a 4k tv these days, all the media is built into the tv, so really,

Well that’s an interesting legit question. The truth is, all my friends moved to PS4 at the beginning, and I stayed on the Xbox one. It’s mostly the layout and integration of their services that kept me on Xbox.I do play with friends, but also spend a lot of time in the different apps and have a large library of

Your Theory is sound, but incorrect thinking. Each console maker pushes the other to do better. The xbox 360 pushed sony to make the PS4, the PS4 in turn pushed Microsoft to build the One X. Competition is the best way to push forward in the market. Without these companies making a push to be separate and hold

Now that’s a dangerous road to go down sirs. As an owner of a high end gaming pc and gaming laptop, I use a controller where ever possible. While I understand the accuracy of the keyboard and mouse setup, after my days of counter strike 1.6, and sure maybe I got older, but being in front of my tv with a controller

A very fair statement, but you have to keep in mind, this article is in reference to all versions, not just PC.

Thats an interesting statement, however, retail still accounts for half of game sales at this time, so there is still more sales to be made from ark

Well only if you join a legacy server. There will be new servers as well.

My favorite part about all of this is that Trump is basically trying to cast hate towards others instead of taking responsibility. Listening to your giant, no paragraph separated story, it just makes me sad for every one else. See the one thing that separates the republicans and democrats is that repubs only care

I own 4 4k tvs. However I am also an early adopter with a love for tech. I bought two 4k models without hdr back when 4k was first released and really all I could do in 4k was simple pc games. There was no content at all.