
It honestly feels like Portal is the main game and the 2042 portion is just extras.

I admire that you went all in. 

Did you intentionally ignore the fact that the game runs on mobile phones (and Switch) and that’s more than likely where the problem lies, just to make a jab at Xbox?

You’ve entered “Methinks the lady doth protest too much!” territory here dude. You’re basically just going through this thread crying about the same stuff and trying to make the same point, which let’s be real, is a really argument, and it just looks like you’re a huge Dr Disrespect fan just desperately hoping

I care more about game play than graphics. 

So...that’s sounds....neat, on a technical level...but not particularly conducive to good character work or compelling storytelling.

Watch Dogs 2 is really, really good...I think I’d just like more of that in a different setting.

Maybe they’re COMmunity badges rather than COMmunication badges?

Sure, a touch screen. Because the touchpad on the DS4 was so phenomenally game changing and well utilized by the current generation of games.

since you didn’t know Crackdown 1 has been BC for awhile, you do know that Crackdown 2 is fucking horrible right?

I build my own PC’s and have from the early Windows XP days. But I prefer iOS mobile devices.  Go figure.

Nah, Fortnite is just a garbage game.

What History channel is his family watching? Whenever I check the channel listing it's nothing but "American Pickers." I never see anything history related on there anymore. 

“it’s obvious that H1Z1 is closer to PUBG and less “Fortnite without building”.”

It can, of course. Anything can be compared to it. Again, tho, there’s an obvious comparison to be made. I don’t see what’s so controversial stating that. The article isn’t terrible or anything, it’s just an observation on the prevalence

This is especially scary for gaming, considering many of us buy our games digitally and some may already be dealing with bandwidth caps. The last thing I want to think about is having to pay more on my internet bill just to use the online gaming features we’ve all grown accustomed to.

I also have to agree, the windows store is really not that bad. Its full of garbage, but other than that, its come a long way. Personally I use it for my Play Anywhere titles, and its really just a matter of opening the store instead of steam, uplay, origin, gog, etc. So I dont see the issues that the original

Nah, that’s exactly what I was expecting. But having that backstory/lore helps get me into the game.

This is a 100% inaccurate description from someone who has clearly never played the game.

The best goddamn handheld that was never given its proper loving because “Sony”.

GarParmChill seems to me like the kind of kid who is so much in love with himself that he can’t have people going about with their own opinions. I bet he spends all night in his mums attic enjoying the taste of his own semen.