
On the ks8000 Samsung released an update to stop the switch from making changes to the current input, so this should no longer be an issue.

Man, I can feel the stupid flow through you. Again, your opinions are silly and fairly pointless. But you keep trying buddy, and if they oppose your opinion, just tell them to kill themselves. That will make you right. #SAD

Really, how many people are you going to tell to kill themselves today? Looking at your previous posts, you seriously have issues. Like telling everyone to kill themselves when you post your obviously pointless and stupid opinion.

Wow, such hatred. I hope you grow up someday and realize that the hate is silly and just makes you look like a fool. I fail to see where I got owned. I am still sitting here playing video games on my xbox, and am happy about my ‘inferior’ experience as you kindly put it. Your attempt at being cooler than every

I love when people get called out and all they can do is throw insults around. Also, they don’t realize that their point was passed 15 posts ago, yet they don’t know when to stop. This is the exact definition of what you are now doing. But thanks for being about as mature as a 5 year old. Be free and go play games

Getting a little worked up there. Maybe your fancy expensive blowing computer will help calm you down. Grow up and have an actual conversation. You are looking pretty dumb here overall. Maybe go back and read the conversation before you put your foot in your mouth for the 17th time. Sorry bro, not killing myself,

And I came into this conversation to end your stupid ‘ASININE’ idiotic comments because someone doesnt believe in the same things as you. God forbid people like other games than you on different systems? You are just wasting your time on an XBOX article trying to put people down for liking consoles and their choice

You have true issues sir. Games are games, regardless of what you play on. Leave Jesse alone, and stop being such a close minded asshole gamer elitist


I am really just hoping for an announcement for Rocket League on switch!!! I know its not happening, or if it is, it wont be announced here, but I can dream right?

See and that is the problem. You make wild accusations like you are some sort of superior being having a PC that BLOWS away the xbox. Its never about that. Nor should it be. I am sitting next to my MSI gaming laptop, at work, at home, my gaming desktop with the 1080 in it is still doing its thing. Over by my TV


PC performance on this game is all over the map depending on hardware, which makes it difficult to review well on Steam. However, the game is great, and they have been finally making improvements to performance. I recommend it for anyone willing to take a chance on something different, plus well, dinosaurs!

Price. Always price. As a gaming pc owner who prefers consoles, I feel my point will get lost in the sea of PC enthusiasts. Buying a console means that games will work, as intended for the system for the length of support. On a PC, there is no guarantee. Which means if you want to stay the best when it comes to

Close, mostly 900p at 30fps, I believe there were two games that ran at 720p, with Ark:survival evolved being the most notable.

See that sounds like a fair statement, but I have a PS4 pro, 4k hdr tv and I still play Xbox more. Go figure.

Then you need a new computer

Personally I play backwards compatible games all the time, but I want to correctly state, its for shorter amounts. While my friends and I have wandered again through the red dead redemption world, or played a few online games of gears 2 horde mode, I find its the indie and arcade titles I play most. Playing through

You are absolutely correct, however, cosmetic items only. That means you can still play with the rest of us money spending key using folks without having to spend a dime. You can also get rewarded with non-paying items, but of course the longer you play, the less rewards there are left, so that only lasts so long.

You made me chuckle. I like you.