
I think I was most shock with the fact that your wife said she wouldn't have been with you if she knew you were a gamer. It's like if my wife said "Oh, if I knew you had a bd (baby dick) I wouldn't have had sex with you. I'm only with you now because I made a mistake and I'm stuck." That's fucking hurtful man, I

I think it's an improvement that at least there is people who DO CARE about copyright issues. And from what I've observed about the younger generation Chinese, they actually know a lot of non-propaganda-tainted-information. And they're not all brain-washed! (Shocking.) So I believe eventually it wouldn't be the

This is kinda cool, but they're missing out a huge opportunity with some WOW themed food! Btw, what is the specialty food item for McD in China? I don't think I've seen anything too different here in Shanghai from international menu - aside from that one time a worker told me that I need to pay extra for lettuce in a

There's competitive Assassin's Creed?

They actually thought of changing it!? Shocking to hear that they even care. Personally I think as far as amusement park goes, Disney is good enough.

I was 9 when I first went past there, all I remember was my mom telling me not to look at them lol.

Give up? Nah, more like we'll die before we see the ending. Miura please finish Berserk, or at least have an anime remake like JOJO, or something, ANYTHING...

Sticks is so cute holycrap. She's got that Pinky Pie vibe! Looking forward to this.

He's missing the point. A lot of people watch others play video game because they can't reach the same level of play, you can't compare a world champion LOL player with the average player, the dedication and talent is simply different.

We're just too ahead of our times.

That's fucked up.

Lol I had that moment too. I instead switched the topic to music my boss likes since I know for sure what music she likes. I don't want to talk about gaming with my superiors, too risky.

Cheese or blowjob, pick one to live without.

Duh, original contents, filler episodes, you name it! Consider how slow the comic is moving along, it'd probably be a better idea to do an original arc. Not looking forward to 2nd season.

Is this the same Korean dude who did huge wall sketches with marker? Guy is amazing.

Skills yes, but also I think it really depends on what drawing are you doing. Is it for inking? Does the construction line have a purpose? Is this sketch for flow & character or technical?

You guys know what the true lesson here is? It's actually safer to be an asshole/do bad things in real life than online. Like the list one, ain't nobody gonna arrest you if you just talk about who you'd want to fuck if you don't put it on some social media. It's almost as if most of these cases are made simply because

I think when most people say "the art has gotten better" they meant "I prefer this art style instead". Saying it is better is as wrong as saying Guernica is better than Mona Lisa. Often times the modern work isn't better but the art style simply follows the taste of the current generation; it's just like fashion, it

Blame cheap out sourcing and the general moe & light novel anime overflows. I believe there are still quite a few studios with detail focus production, but there's not enough.

Hot damn. That's some sick sodetsuki shit. I slightly question the street-legal-ness of the full frontal variant though lol. And this is one off right? I guess having this as an option would be too pricey.