
On some flights with smaller planes they open the doors on both ends of the plane, I think it’s actually quite efficient. Ofc, that means you can’t directly exit into the terminal (you’ll need a transport bus).

Also, I always thought it’d make way more sense that the overhead compartments are actually LOCKED until

The trick is the do it bare skinned and have the screen side stick onto your skin. It works even better if your chest is super flat... *sigh*

Some of these images kinda induces my irrational fear with elevators though... These mascots could totally get stuck in between the elevator door and car and sliced in half!

Now playing

The other one was a home-made zombie shooter, a lot more nicely executed despite the budget.

EDIT: Wait it was the same guys lol!

I think if we’re bringing out non-canon sources, we’d better consult Kojima. Patch me through!!

That would be a correct assumption as he was caught tracing other ppl’s work.

Ugh, VR will be a Godsend for product designers for rapid-prototyping... Can’t wait!!!

False, Naked Snake (Jack) is white. Solid Snake (David) is half-Japanese.

Please don’t ruin this movie... Please don’t ruin it... Please...

More importantly - who’s voicing Tachikoma? And will I cry again when that scene happens? (Pretty sure I will.)

You cannot talk about setups without talking about this dude!

Mmmm... Nice Aeron and Embody. Surprised only like one Kokuyo and zero Okamura chairs. Support your own business man! Don’t be a blind Herman Miller fan boy!

It’s interesting to note that if you happen to be bilingual/multilingual, you’ll perform better when you think in a language that’s NOT ENGLISH.

I agree, and actually this is much more convenient than being really toned as each character has different muscle definitions. And being “cartoonish” is not necessarily a bad thing because you can actually cosplay to specific art style.

Who doesn’t open their steam library and look at all the 0 hours games without wishing to be a student again? *sobs

Well, now we all know who’s Brian’s best girl in iM@S. Good taste Sir!

Well, being a child travelling alone gets you special treatment for sure. I had 4 different occasions getting upgraded to first-class from economy when I was in elementary school (this was in the 90s) flying to Japan and U.S. for meeting families and summer school. The airlines were: Cathay Pacific, ANA, and China

Tried pausing and unpause and tcl?

Maybe these are console players who can hardly move their aim as fast as on PC. They all look fucking clumsy.

True that. At the same time I feel like once you have a stable career you actually won’t have much time playing too much games, let alone trying to make pirated software work... So in the end that also makes pirating obsolete.

Exactly. If a game dev makes good games they’ll get people to buy their game regardless of demo (may be a difference in initial sales increase with demo, but in the end it should level out the same). However, if the game dev makes shit games, there is absolutely no reason to release demo letting people know your game