
I get that and I wouldn’t be thinking about this if they’d named their kid ‘Obi-Wan’. It’s just that it felt like Luke was the only one who knew him as ‘Ben’ Kenobi (I know Leia calls him Ben Kenobi in IV but that’s always bothered me as I mentioned above/below, I have lost my bearings).

We do see Luke touching R2, but we don’t hear that monologue. And the lightsaber being handed to Leia definitely does not happen.

Does she though?

She needed to be hidden.

I agree with you, except that Ben did play a SUPER important part of Leia’s life. We just never saw it. She knows who he is in A New Hope... details of her growing up have always been scarce.

That wasn’t Coruscant. It was Hosnian Prime.

I think it was a combination of him being hurt by Chewie, and also he kinda sucks.

I’m so, so glad he survived. The Continuing Adventures of Rey, Luke, Chewie and R2 are too much to pass up.

Which was badass from Chewie - he didn’t hesitate: just blasted a hole through him and then turned his attention to the rest of the bastards.

Yeah, loved how Han called him “Big Deal”most of the time...and yeah the “That’s not how the Force works” moment got HUGE laughs in our theatre.

Yep, and it was a hit from Chewie’s Bowcaster which was shown to have quite the punch through the film.

Trench run was sweet but that one long sequence of Poe being a bad MF over Maz Kanata’s domain is what caught my eye. Also, the way they used X-Wings over water to give us the classic movie shot of a cavalry on the horizon charging to the rescue (under a cloud of dust, usually), was brilliant.

Or maybe Luke has Forced R2 to a coma to hide the rest of the map of his location until it was time.

I just thought he was wounded from the blaster shot and therefore didn’t have the reaction time to defend himself.

I was thinking it was because BB-8 was finally there with the rest of the reason to wake up till the rest of the map is present and he can find his beloved master. At least that’s what I assumed.

I expect her to be Luke’s daughter, but if she isn’t... it would be ok too.

It would be too weird if they were brother and sister. A) Why wouldn’t Ren have known it? B) Why were Han and Leia all torn up about their son but apparently had a missing daughter than they never gave two thoughts about? I’m leaning toward that they’re cousins, but I really hope it turns out she’s just some random

My thought is that Luke felt Han dying / Kylo’s power rising again / the awakening of the Force again / maybe even Rey’s awakening too. And when that happened, he communicated with R2 in some way to wake up, so that Luke could make himself be found now that he is needed again.

I think the latter. Trained from birth. Swordplay would definitely be part of his training, given the universe they live in.

So, that was a fun movie! And funny, too.