
me too! I liked they didn’t. after Thomas burned his hand, I thought ‘oh, someone’s dying in that machine’ so I was thrilled that she didn’t. I think it HAD to be Edith doing it. Had to be Edith saving herself, avenging the other wives, freeing herself. it couldn’t be the machine, it HAD to be Edith herself

Wow, I had NOT noticed this at all. But now I’m going to have to go back and look for this.

:-D I’ve also been thinking about colourschemes. Edith’s mother died of a lung disease and so she was smoky and black; the murder victims were drippy and red: Thomas was white/gold (rather like the fairies in Hellboy II) and I was wondering if that was because he was willing/ready to move on. He also looked much more

Yay, somebody agrees with me!

This is absolutely perfect, and right on.


Holy shit, the writing on BONES makes the SLEEPY HOLLOW writers look like Pulitzer prize winners! I thought the story was OK & reminded me why I’ve never watched BONES & never will again. Most exciting bit: an FBI investigation targeting old Corbin for pilfered antiquities’ sales fronted by terrorists, which is

This scene is pretty much Exhibit A for why Zach Snyder and David Goyer know nothing about the art of subtlety. This scene was somehow far less subtle then when the Wachowshi’s had one character in The Matrix refer to Neo as “my own personal Jesus Christ.”

Unbreakable was better than Sixth Sense, honestly.

I think that dynamic is real and as old as arts & entertainment. It’s just the nature of the beast. Some artists/creators are mindful enough to keep themselves grounded — or more likely latch onto people they know will keep them grounded, usually friend and family — and some are not.

District 9 and Sixth Sense were good.

I do think there’s a problematic contradiction at work in big budget genre movies though — once you’re big enough to get to make your own original IP, you become too big for anyone to tell you no or reign in your excesses.

Neil Blomkamp, not unlike Zack Snyder, should be creative director or cinematographer however they should be kept away - if necessary by force - from anything that has remotely to do with writing or directing a movie.

Agreed. The drop off wasn’t as sudden for M.Night as it’s been for Neil. Elysium was baaaaaaaadddddddd.

At least Shyamalan was able to make Unbreakable after Sixth Sense. And didn’t try to shove Die Antwood (sp?) down our throats.

Good, maybe it’ll give Mr. Blomkamp time to learn to make not bad movies.

Good Question! Disney bought Lucasfilms back in October 2012. And everything was made non-cannon except for the following:
Episode 1-6
The Clone Wars Animated Series (2008-2013) AND the Clone Wars movie(2008).

Awesome, thanks. This is really nice to have a short list I can keep an eye on! Now I really need to see Star Wars: Rebels.