
This season felt far too over-sprawling. Too many locations. Too many characters that got too little screen time (hello, silent Mexican gangster with black cowboy hat doing the Oddjob impression). Too many neat little coincidences that nobody watching could have put together to solve the mystery (which is part of the

I stuck by the show until its bitter end. I thought that each episode got a little better than the one before. I just knew that the people who created the brilliant first season of this series would tie everything together in a mind blowing fashion. And then there was the finale.

I liked that the only damned puddle of water on the street JUST HAPPENED to be under Velcoro’s car so that he could spot the tracking device.

Potato stuck because people would say “Did you record this on a potato when referring to bad quality videos. And now its a thing.

it started with bad camera phone photos, like “what phone did you take this photo with? a potato?” and “oh look the new 2013 samsung potato” and then all of a sudden everything janky is potato quality

GF saw this she said she want to play. told her it was skyrim.....she said she would have played it in the first place with this

I was going to post the exact same comment, complete with capital letters.

Shit I doubt it...

Fox fucking hates making comic book movies.

Wondering if the recent crop of auteur directors are not quite as ready for prime time as the studios think they are. I don’t know if FF is truely representative what Trask can do with Hollywood money and power backing him, but I’ve seen what Neill Bkinkamp has done (tell the same story twicish and do a bad and


This thread is now a Best Doom thread.

Maybe Headless is out partying it up with the Kindred.

The who?

Oh yeah, the anti-Horseman the writers cooked up, set loose, and never bothered to mention again.

“With Disney at the controls, Star Wars doesn’t seem to be for a 30 or 40-year-old fans anymore, if it ever was. More than ever, Star Wars is for 10-year-olds who can grow with it. Who can ask their parents to buy the toys, games, books and take trips to the theme parks. “

If he’s too busy to handle both, why not hand Doctor Who off to a new showrunner rather than let one of your biggest moneymakers stand idle for a year?

So BBC wants him to step down as showrunner, he wants to commit more time to Sherlock, that sounds like a win-win. I’d rather him step down than forgo a season of Doctor Who.

So the BBC would force Moffat to give up on one of their globally successful cash cows in order to work on a slightly less popular cash cow that has a decidedly finite life span? As logical arguments go, this isn’t one.

I’m ready for Moffat to step down and let someone else take a crack at Who. He does a better job on Sherlock anyway. Maybe his full attention will only help to improve Sherlock. That last season was a little...disappointing.

Temba! His arms wide.