
I, for one, look forward to this movie because I love Ghostbusters.

The kit itself is just one part of this: there’s a LOT of assembly that goes into it, and there’s no directions: each one is really pretty unique.

Was there even a reason for all the Star Wars stuff?

reason = $$$

Star Wars is popular right now so GQ and Schumer went for the easy money. It’s really disappointing.

Why does this site always shit on the best movies? Ant-Man is what the superhero genre NEEDS more than absolutely anything. Marvel basically tells us in this movie that it’s okay to not worry quite so much about saving the world for once and instead shift the focus to setting up a character and why/how he came to be.

Agreed. This is quite tacky.

I liked Amy Schumer. I think she’s witty and smart and I enjoy her show sketches, but this made me go, “Ugh.” It’s obvious and juvenile and I really thought she was smarter than the easy jokes. Not a fan of this direction for her.

I like the kickline and the bar. The others..are not for me. I really like the kickline.. I’d make that a desktop.

so, is she funny? I honestly can’t tell.

Was there even a reason for all the Star Wars stuff?

Why do people like Amy Schumer? Granted, I may have gotten a horrible and non-representative first impression from her football skit, but that skit was held up as Really Really Good and pics like these and references to her continue to leave me befuddled.

Was there even a reason for all the Star Wars stuff? I mean, I don’t really care that they’re in there but why? And honestly, these photos aren’t even that interesting or funny. Sure, they make sense but you’d think someone like amy Schumer would push the comedy bar a little with this rather than making the most

Im offended seeing C3PO and R2-D2 portrayed as having sex with a woman when they are both happily gay and have been in a stable relationship for years.

Agree. This was my reactions to it. It was a fun fun movie with some fantastic action, great father/daughter moments and a whole lot of Marvel cheekiness. I completely enjoyed it.

I also loved this movie! I went in with low expectations, due to the somewhat troubled development and Scott Lang being the focus... but I found this movie to be so much fun :)

Dude, chill out. So you didn’t like her, fine. But I did. I had no problems with her performance whatsoever.

There was no reason besides money and overweighted storyline not to have Tony Stark meet Ant-Man instead of the forgettable bird guy.

I’m sorry but FALCON’s fight scene was one of the best scenes, many are saying it was the best part. Also Mackie is great in the role

I enjoyed the ever loving heck out of it, personally. It was fun in a way a lot of the Marvel movies aren’t. They have humor, sure, but some of them try to be heavy with the consequences and drama and miss the heart, which I feel this had. I hope you enjoy it!

“no real Avengers” “forgettable bird guy”