
It hadn’t occurred to me before but if they were going by original Trek canon, that song (and maybe Beastie Boys as a group) probably wouldn’t have existed due to the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s. But I guess they revised that in the new canon to where it was a secret war illuminati thing... So “it’s in the DNA of this

It seriously took a second and third look before I realized that Pooh is dressed as a bee and is not, in fact, wearing a two piece bikini.

You’re exactly right. I don’t know why people are latching on to this - it’s the least of the issues here.

Maybe a 1, and only incedentally - barely any lensflare, at long last. All I could hear was that beastie boys song.

I am holding out hope because of that, but Pegg himself said he was forced to action-movie it up rather than the more cerebral Trek he wanted to write.

Triforce Heroes used an existing engine, largely existing art assets/animations, etc etc. The only development needed was level design and network code and it was ready to go. MUCH shorter and cheaper design cycle than a traditional Zelda game. When you’ve lost your money maker for the holiday season (Zelda U) you

Both of those games seemed like low cost / high reward games from a company that needed a couple of quickly developed big sellers after realizing it wouldn’t be getting Zelda Wii U money this year.

He’s backed off on that recently in movies like Suicide Squad.

Several scenes were removed entirely, most notably Anakin’s breakdown in the shop at the Lars homestead after killing the sandpeople

Don’t forget the special Voztech variant from “Machete Kills” ;)

Oh no, it doesn’t look cool now either...

Naw, it’s fine. Those two lines at least.

They said her first name a few times in the first three, but the less we speak of that version of Storm, the better.

It’s not entitlement. The group of people who desire single player and don’t care for multiplayer is simply a different segment of the market. I’m not owed a single player mode any more than I’m obligated to buy a sports game that I don’t give two craps about. It’s not entitlement to say, “if that football game had

No, not at all. They brought back the same actor and made him a new suit. And dozens of other Wookiee suits were made for III as well.

AND... even if they killed Despero, one of his things is that he can come back later and more powerful, like Doomsday.

J’onn said that only one other person knows his secret... is that person Superman?

Sole survivor that he knows of. In previous adaptations he wasn’t aware of her until she showed up.

Oh yes, that one was far too easy/painful to mention :)

Garfield isn’t perfect but when you compare the Spider-man accent to whatever that was in his Doctor Who appearance, he’s made HUGE strides