
Set it 50 years after Kirk’s 5 year mission. There’s a much smaller weight of continuity to deal with there (if you even choose to have it in the prime universe at all), and no TV show has covered that ground before to any great extent, so it wouldn’t look too weird to do your own art design and uniforms (despite TNG

Bring back NBC’s Dracula!!!

Oops! The io9 article is unclear about it, but it turns out that only the first episode will be on TV, and then the rest on streaming! My bad. And interesting that CBS is actually getting ahead of the curve on this one. Too bad it’s on their platform rather than one people actually use.

If you think they’re not showing it on TV too you’re nuts. This will not be a cheap show, and they will need all the ad money they can get from it. Also the article says “This new series will premiere to the national CBS audience” ;)

No, not really, because Abrams was making Star Wars movies back when he was directing Star Trek.

Yeah, I am clinging to that with all my might to keep up hope

I agree with a lot of what you are saying. However, I think since Blomkamp is also of the writer/producer/director ilk, the stuff that Lucas didn’t direct (but had close on-set input for), but did produce/write should still be considered if you’re comparing the two.

Were you alive in the 1990s?

The point is, Lucas has a number of good things to his name, and continues to do so, particularly when collaborating with other directors. No, not everything is a winner, but it’s still a “better record” than a single good movie from NB - if we’re talking downhill, that’s who it applies to, and after only 3 movies.

Produced, co-wrote, and was always on set for the whole production (not sure about Young Indy but I’d guess he was too). I’d say they’re as much “his” work as the respective directors, and if the guild allowed it I have to wonder if he wouldn’t have received a co-director credit.
Even if we’re talking solely things he

I liked that they DIDN’T fire that gun :)

Comic books are books too!!

Ichabod’s crane-like bows are THE BEST

Just like Stuart Baird! Nemesis can never be forgiven.

No, it’s not. Lucas already had already done IV-VI, Indy, TV show Indy, and Willow by that point.
And after the prequels he did the Clone Wars TV show which was also excellent.

Cancelled after one season no matter what the audience is because NBC!

Yeah, comic books are books too!

There’s a novel about Asajj Ventress teaming up with Quinlan Voss called “Dark Disciple” which is also based on an unproduced Clone Wars arc.

It’s great! If you haven’t seen Clone Wars, I’d recommend it too, and to watch it first. It’s the best part of the prequel era and greatly fills in a lot of gaps (both in plot and character development)

There are several novels - Tarkin, A New Dawn (Rebels characters), Lords of the Sith, Aftermath, Heir to the Jedi