
I think given the awful dialog and stiff voicework, not a lot of thought went into the staging of that scene. It may just come down to it being badly written.

Fair enough. I’ve never read much Iron Man — was just going by the extreme negative reaction that some people had to the speculation he would be in Iron Man 2. Well, that and my Marvel cards from 20 years ago. The “classic” one on those cards was still pretty Fu-Manchu-y.

Hmm, but since the comics Mandarin was kind of super racist, why not just skip that whole mine field?

I’m enjoying the show so far, with two exceptions:

You are correct about Jade Empire!

Yes! I love the little touches they’ve done to adjust the look of the show to be more like the OT, from the white explosions to the thinner lightsaber blades.

Maybe Simmons gets some powers after the incident at the end of Season 2?

Haha, Caterpillars? Cute. Is it intentional that it evokes a non-evil version of Centipede?

Yeah, I guess they kind of took the average of the two? It makes sense to me at least!

The indigo was also replaced with royal blue, according to the CRW Flags website!

They eliminated indigo AND turquoise, replacing both with royal blue. The site the article quotes from has an error.

I don’t understand — indigo and turquoise are very different colors. I think there’s an error in the San Francisco Travel explanation...

Now playing

Aside from the grammar there, the impression I got from watching the episode was that the Inquisitor beheaded both of them (not a dual trepanning). I’m not sure what’s going on in that clip but it seems to be edited from the original episode.

Exactly why I couldn’t watch Heroes past the first season. It became clear that it was nothing more than a pastiche filled with the most obvious of superhero cliches.

NBC, I want my Constantine back, not this :(

Nissan still makes seats that are uncomfortable for tall people! My current car will be my first and last Nissan primarily for that reason.

What the heck does that mean? I am afraid to google it.

It’s hard to see what connection SHIELD would have to the Guardians of the Galaxy, or a “street-level” team like the Defenders.

Even SHIELD as it is on the TV show has a strong connection to GotG, what with their Inhuman characters, and even dealing with a Kree that was cleaning up the mess left by Ronan’s death.

You see it on temples in Japan as well and I’m sure other places. I’d guess that it’s really only Europe and the Americas that you won’t see it used at all.