
So Arrow never said that Nyssa didn't immediately dig up Sara and take her to a Lazarus pit immediately after finding out about her death. In that case she would have been dead only a few days rather than months, right? That's not quite to the point of incurable insanity, right? Jason Todd was dead for much longer and

Funny enough, right now Laurel is essentially Manhunter in all but name. Also, Arrow killed off DA Kate Spencer who was the most recent Manhunter and Laurel kind of took over her job.

Aww lookit those little arms. It's the T-Rex of Daleks!!

I'm glad Nintendo higher-ups are at least aware of what a well-functioning online shop / account system looks like. Maybe Sakurai could talk to Nintendo about contracting Valve to revamp their online infrastructure?

And DJ Ninja Assassin! He said it properly too :)

Ted Kord Blue Beetle = Watchmen Nite Owl = Batman (gadgets and vehicles, no flying)

I think she used it once, the very first time. Maybe exploding car windows are too expensive for the show to do on a regular basis.

Arrow, I have loved you from the first episode, but you set off my nerd rage with two things last night.

Even if they do kill her anyway, in Fish's mind she still wins, because she denied them their prize and in the end still had control over her fate.

I guess I may have missed clues having not seen Clone Wars yet, but I just figured Fulcrum was going to be Bail Organa.

Who wants to bet on an after-credits Spider-scene?

Not-so-hidden Goatse in that first image. Brain bleach needed. Guh.

Don't forget Venkman's faking the negative reinforcement electrical shock psychic ability test to get himself laid.

Is Ryan Reynolds a vampire? He looks 10 years younger than the last time I saw him in something.

The negative reaction people are having to the new Quicksilver is pretty funny since the same thing happened with DoFP Quicksilver... but now everyone loves him. (sort of a general comment — I'm not directing it at you... your Quicksilver WAS pretty cool :))

Neat. So as long as their parents aren't identified in AoU, it leaves the door open for some Obi-wan logic later on if Marvel Studios does regain the rights for X-men/Magneto/mutants. "Now that we can say it, they're actually mutants, but what we did before still applies and was true, from a certain point of view."

Maybe the monster was... Sasquatch? :) They had quite a bit of dialog about the difference between Yeti and Abominable Snowmen.

Did anyone else cackle like a maniac at the guy fleeing in terror as Dr. Crane menacingly strokes a tiny piglet? Just me? Good times.

I got through the first three episodes of season 1 and couldn't take it. I get my quota of random bullshit crazy writing from American Horror Story. Can't deal with any more than that. :/

Quite likely given that the actual title of the first Cushing movie was "Dr. Who and the Daleks"