
I did get partway through "A Lion Among Men" and got distracted by something else. Good to know that about the last one — I'll pick it back up and power through :)

Vader did not approve of the Death Star — it was Tarkin's project.

I read the first two books and then saw the play... and was horrified. The most charitable word to describe it is "Disneyfied."

I would prefer that!

That Spider-woman redesign made me think of this WW costume

Depends on the depiction of the character. Your description is generally correct but there are exceptions, such as the Waller portrayed on Arrow, who is a morally bankrupt idiot who always takes the path of most collateral damage/death.

All LEGO minifigures are race-less (yellow) unless they are from a licensed property and represent an individual real person such as an actor or athlete.

He also wrote the sequel, so... yeah... Not sad he will be less involved.


It reminds me of the bank vault time machine from Sarah Connor Chronicles! Maybe they will do a time jump forward just like in the pilot of that show??

To be clear, I was referring to Emilia ;)

Yeah, it was Waller's plan completely to use the failed interrogation to manipulate Oliver. There was no way he could have succeeded.

Wow, Clarke is giving off a really good Linda Hamilton vibe in that trailer. Much moreso than I expected.

True true, I really hope whatever was affecting him also helped him survive the fall. It would be really sad to kill off the character in that way.

Nooo, Mack!

Was about to post that name too. He would be wonderful.

That might be the animal they're aiming at! Pliosaurus funkei. Its jaws are over 2m long in this diagram. So they've "just" scaled it up by about a factor of two, lol (assuming that's a 4m adult great white)

Well, to be fair the Jurassic Park raptors have always been more based on the Deinonychus. I guess they figured "velociraptor" sounded scarier. But that mosasaur is 4x bigger than the largest known example. Crazy!

Well, to be fair the Jurassic Park raptors have always been more based on the Deinonychus. I guess they figured "velociraptor" sounded scarier. But that mosasaur is 4x bigger than the largest known example.

I'm having a hard time figuring out the scale here. Does it seem off to anyone else? Either that great white is about 3 feet long or that is a kaiju sized mosasaur...