
YUP. I can't even bring myself to be interested in Interstellar, which is normally my kind of thing :\

The result of "airflow redirection" IS the creation of pressure differences. Also from your Wikipedia article:

Sort of. She's a member of the Suicide Squad. So it's questionable and probably why they didn't refer to her by name

I am only watching this for the Walken. Though I do have to say that his character's makeup/mustache from the first images looked more fun than this version. Now it's just Walken in a pirate costume (which is still good, don't get me wrong)

By tweeting #IBelieve? It's bound to happen

If only :)

Aside from the Helmet of Fate? There was some sort of endless tunnel that might have been a reference. but I'm not well-versed in Vertigo beyond Sandman.

15/15. It has been a good while since I've seen the movie, and I've probably watched it the least out of the original trilogy... I thought the TIE fighter count question was going to be tricky but then they threw in the Han dialog in the answers which gave it away.

The question is asking "which character is mentioned by name in the opening scroll?". Wording was confusing

Good nod to the fishnets... without actually having fishnets.

Hmm, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson doesn't?

The original version is already in the Wii Virtual Console

I'm still thinking it was Waller... Remember the witness that said "some lady told me to scram" or something to that effect.

Lol, I watched that flip about 8 times imagining it as a gif with PARKOUR flashing across it

Yeah that would be ideal. And it doesn't even make sense for the character - someone who is as vain as Ra's clearly is, with all the fine clothing and crazy finger jewelry, just has stubble and uncombed hair? What?

Very poor form :(

My biggest problem with the episode was Ra's's's facial hair. Stubble?? Where is the magnificent split handlebar muttonchop thing he is supposed to have?

Hahah beat me to the joke. Had this typed out as a reply to another comment when I decided to search for "watch" first: "So Peter Pan + Watchmen. They should call it Watchboys..."

That was confusing to me too. I think what they meant was "after the disaster [and ever since]" the security at the particle accelerator has been horrible.

Agreed on both counts