
I'd just like to say... I hereby declare Fitz/Mac OTP.

"It's notable how much more interesting this dynamic is than anything this show has tried to manufacture with Hawley."

Yes, yes, yes. That was my main takeaway from the episode too. Joe is already more interesting than Hawley has ever been. The common history with the other main characters provides so much more room

I am honestly shocked that this only has 750 calories

Yeah, and even now, Lucasfilm is not asking them to stop making it or rename it according to another article I read. The beer name will continue to be used, but they are simply protesting the trademark.

Ooh, I think you're right. I hadn't noticed it in the NYCC photo. Was kinda wondering why Picard got a big base and Worf didn't, haha... but Worf does!

Figure looks nice and the likeness is better than the Picard that DST made, but I'm not sure why the Klingon symbol on the backdrop is upside down...

Ryan Murphy himself has already done horror-comedy! Isn't that what AHS Coven was??

It's called "Rubbertoe Replicas" as a take off on the name of the proprietor, Nick Robatto. He's worked on Doctor Who for several years now and provided the last several sonic screwdrivers, for starters :)

I will be watching this solely for the Walken

There may be a problem when the #1 piece of advice/hope everyone seems to have for the DC movie universe is "Don't be like the first movie in the DC movie universe."

What do they do with all of the dead Multiplex bodies?!?!

This scene reminded me of those Call of Duty commercials. CoD: Satanic Warfare?

My interpretation was that Gus was simply the name of the automation computer on the train... And that someone not on the train modified/hijacked Gus to create the laboratory environment. It felt like the implication was that it was someone we didn't see in the episode. Someone like Missy? Given her penchant for

So the Owen actor is the brother of the Obi-wan stunt/stand-in?? That's really funny - in the original novelizations, Owen was meant to have been Obi-wan's brother.

Now playing

If David Bowie is unavailable, it would be great to see Tilda Swinton take up the reigns:

Now playing

If David Bowie is not available to reprise Jareth I would love to see Tilda Swinton take over:

Henson company made a movie about 10 years ago called MirrorMask that was intended as a spiritual sequel to Labyrinth. If you haven't seen it, check it out - written by Neil Gaiman and directed by Dave McKean! It was quite good.

Probably should just go ahead and merge this with the HR Giger article right below it. Ugh.

Looks like $726 plus tax

Hmm. I recorded the first two episodes and nearly watched them. But there's just too much other exciting stuff on the air now to get into another show. Unless the procedural drama with an immortal lead has "Torchwood" in the name (for which I would MAKE the time). Thanks for the write-up. Maybe if one of the other new