
Training for my first 1/2 marathon was an eye opener. I joined a running group too and was surprised to see all the different shapes and sizes. During the 5-month training, I befriended other women who were slow like me but determined to complete their goal. One survied breast cancer, two had remarkable weight losses

I vary between a 3 and a 10 from hour to hour, outfit to outfit, and how windy it is.

Frankly, I would have trolled the internet for some pictures of conventionally attractive women, and then shown up dressed as furries.

This guy is disgusting in a variety of ways, but one particular thing in that exchange that REALLY irked me was this:

No one show my trainer.. I'll have to stop using my height as an excuse.

I generally find these types of shows a bit silly, but this was an amazing display of athleticism. I wouldn't have made it past the first obstacle.

Exactly. I knew someone whose wife told me she hated it every time. I finally told her she just needed to have a talk about it. She did, and they came to a conclusion that made them both happy rather than continued assumptions one way or the other.

Thank you! Someone here apparently understands that talking to your partner has a middle ground between "BEEP BOOP, DO YOU CONSENT TO SEX?" and *raperaperape.

The implications of your response go beyond poorly tasteful, to just plain terrifying.

Did you read the article? The meth intoxication happened in utero. This mother knowingly exposed her unborn child to toxic levels of meth. I don't care what happens to mom. She's a murderer. And she is in jail, where she belongs.

If you elect to have a child and willingly put that child at risk with drug/alcohol abuse then no, I don't feel much sympathy.

I'd like to thank the lady that was next to me in yoga class, for preventing me from getting cancer.

Oh yeah, that tool is only available in CS6.

The fact that he gets paid to take these blurry, no-technique, bullshit disposable-camera-looking pictures makes me want to set things on fire. Even if he wasn't a total shit as a person, he should not be employed in anything involving photography.

RIGHT! CANNED POTATOES! Just buy a regular potato!!!???

The Family Guy detail is especially funny.

Had a roommate who was great for a year, but after that it was a rapid decline. He asked if he could have a small party, which was totally fine. After the first one the flood gates opened and my boyfriend and I began to receive facebook invites to parties at our own apartment stating "+1s, +2s, +3s and randoms

In this order, she:

My college roommate had the habit of using my dishes/food, which was fine because we were generally both cool with sharing things. But then she used all my clean plates, left them in the sink and then left a passive-aggressive note that I should really clean up my dishes. .....they were MY dishes, but SHE used them!


I walked in on my three roommates having a dick-measuring contest.