Oh, I'm sorry. Are women and girls just not supposed to drink and ave a good time now? God forbid they do anything that isn't a sober, rational thought at a whopping 16 years old. Sounds like she had ONE drink, and it was drugged. Maybe we should give you a drink that is drugged and see how you react, being an adult…
You do realize your pain is nothing compared to what this brave 16 year old is going through right?
This makes me want to hate everything and everyone, but then you look at that beautiful, brave and articulate girl and I suppose there is some hope. Good for her for staying strong and I hope that her attacker is prosecuted accordingly and she is given the chance to heal and continue with her life.
Can? Yep. Should? Also yep. Will they? I have no faith in our justice system.
Every one who downloaded it, watched it, and passed it along should be strung up from the highest tree in the town square.
Me too. Maybe a GoFundMe for Jada? She can pay for an attorney and sue that asshole for all his family has in addition to pressing criminal charges against him.
Should not every asswipe who shared the video be brought up on child pornography charges?
Agreed. If there's anything good that comes out of this story, it's that at least I learned that a brave and great and wonderful girl, Jada, exists in this godforsaken cesspool called earth.
Psychotherapy alone was not working for me. I have bipolar II, PTSD, and OCD. It wasn't addressing my problems AT ALL. CBT was a GODSEND. I just felt like there was no work involved in regular therapy sessions, there were never any goals. I was incredibly goal-oriented and I was big on getting a toolbox and doing…
Most really do care about the people they help. Now, there will always be clients you like more than others but really good therapists are amazing and genuinely like their clients. That shows. Also, therapy from a licensed counselor/social worker/psychologist is NOT just based around a theory or belief system. It's…
Seriously what is it with folks who get legit mad that therapists get paid.
I love my therapist. Even though I have made significant changes which have changed my outlook and frankly my life in general, I have no plans to stop seeing her. She makes a constant difference in how I think and how I manage my life and my emotions. I consider myself pretty self-aware but she has taught me things…
There are some shitty therapists out there, no doubt. But some people go into the field because they genuienly want to help other people. Sorry, I get defensive when people say "oh you just pretend like you care because that's your job." I happen to like helping others go through difficult times and happen to get…
I'm finishing up a psychology externship this month, and terminating with all of my clients this week. My clients already know what I think of them, though. I won't be sharing any new information when I validate their successes and highlight the work that they need to do over the summer in our last session.
I mean. I'm gay and I would ALSO make out with Zac Efron's face. AS SHOULD EVERYONE.
My mom has promised to visit me after she dies. She says she will run an icy, cold finger down my foot in the middle of the night to let me know there is an afterlife. I asked her if she could leave me a note instead. She said no.
Damn, I read:
im sending Mr Marky Mark the bill for my pending lobotomy, which