
Learning styles are a very real thing. I think that most educational materials are really designed for visual learners, and not kinesthetic learners like you or auditory learners like me. A lot of the time I need human voices talking to me in order to comprehend. I never skipped a single lecture in college, even

I completely understand where you're coming from. In high school I was failing algebra at one point but had an A in physics. I believe there's a lot to be said about how a teacher teaches and just straight interest in a particular subject. When I got to college and studied subjects that interested me, I saw a full

Sounds like you just were in schools and classes not advanced enough for you. A lot of gifted kids do badly in school when it's too easy.

Your experience is nearly opposite to mine. I was extremely interested in reading when I was younger, I just could NOT get it. I would read aloud to myself to make sure that I didn't skip any words, but it still all seemed like gobbledygook that didn't make any sense. I never gave up, but also didn't get any

No no no! You call it Bits for Tits!

Fortunately I could lose 105% of my cognitive ability and still function within the top -0.1% of people.

Let those among us without an image of a lady inserting a plane into her vagina copied to our clipboard throw the first stone.

I'm really unclear on this whole notion of a thing you chose to do because it felt good at the time being your worst nightmare. I mean, when I was pregnant I would have nightmares that I forgot I was pregnant and got off-my-ass drunk, or (one terrible night) that I was about to give birth and suddenly remembered that

Yes, thank you, I will get right over to the DSM and bring back over the "Bay Leaf Induced Psychotic Disorder with Delusions" diagnosis for you, because that is a thing.

Lots of things are dangerous. Alcohol produces many of those symptoms too. Also, it's a poison that can kill you. Cut and paste those symptoms for us.

Good for you. Weed is a drug that doesn't effect everyone the same way. I'm glad it's a light hearted enhancement for you, for me it's a panic inducing misery that I cannot den to escape from at times.

I could not agree more. I'm so sick of people acting like "Weed is totally harmless to everyone, everywhere at ALL times!" Yeah I'll remember that next time I'm sick from all the dispensary smoke after walking a ten block gauntlet down Mission street. That's some serious BS right there.

Look, just because you are able to smoke pot in a recreational and non-problematic manner does not mean that somebody else is. Pulled straight from the DSM, there are numerous diagnoses that involve issues with pot:

Same here, especially since most people with schizophrenia aren't diagnosed until their late teens or early 20's regardless of drug use.

"Schizophrenia is so easily treated, and is one of the few mental illnesses that basically disappears with medication."

2) If your name is Chris, you are automatically cast in a Marvel film.

Not to diss pot (Team Mary Jane!), but it REALLY bothers me that we, as a society, are so afraid of mental illness that we'd rather people think our loved ones have a drug problem than that they have a mental illness that is, in no way, their fault.

I would come to a very different conclusion from that study - like, say, that a pre-schizophrenic is more inclined to risk taking behavior, like smoking pot.

yea...I'm preeetttyy sure *pot* wouldn't "inspire" you to show up to court (of all places) looking like this...notice the one long fingernail?! The WTF icing on the cake.

There was a study that claimed pot use at an early age could bring on schizophrenia. Users who started in their teens were reported diagnosed with the condition in their early 20's. Most subjects had a family history of mental disorders and were therefore predisposed...