Seriously, Lindy, what indeed is up with people acting like everyone didn't used to drink milk with dinner? "Milk or water" was totally a thing. In fact, it continues to be a thing in my house. I ask my 4 year old daughter that question every night.
Seriously, Lindy, what indeed is up with people acting like everyone didn't used to drink milk with dinner? "Milk or water" was totally a thing. In fact, it continues to be a thing in my house. I ask my 4 year old daughter that question every night.
I'm an adult and I drink milk with everything. Everything. It is the nectar of the gods, as far as I am concerned.
I STILL DRINK MILK. I'm sort of self conscious about it, but I love it. I also grew up on a steady diet of skim.
Am I the only one who read this article with this theme stuck in their head?
I had a sex dream a while back with Paul Rudd. I don't want your filthy money! I did it for free in my sleep!
Having spent ample time around kids, there is no way to play with them as often as they want to play. As sarahsnafu points out, this is obviously brief snippets played for laughs, but even so, it's just impossible. I love the kid I live with right now, and playing with her is so much fun, but there are times when I…
Am I the only one who thinks the dad is kind of a douche bag for never once getting out of his chair and dancing with her? I mean, maybe she would stop poking him with her dolls if he looked at her once in a while. I know what it is to be tortured on a weekend morning by a relentlessly noisy, cheerful child, but on…
Is your sister a cat?
My youngest sister is ~15 years younger than me (lol SURPRIZE) and I was always amazed with how much energy she had at that age. She'd just get up and move and not stop moving 'till she puked. Then she'd tell me, I'd clean it all up and she would pick up where she left off.
I'm sorry, I'm gay too, but this is just a witch hunt. His political actions have NOTHING to do with his job at Mozilla. Hunting down people for their (stupid) way of thinking is just scary.
I love how open and tolerant liberals are.
this is a man who is working to stop me from getting married and paid for commercials that imply I'm a pedophile. That sounds like someone who is out to get me. The work he did isn't just a political dispute, it's a direct attack on me. Why would I tolerate it? It's like saying I should tolerate a punch in the face.
Yes, liberals are intolerant of intolerance. Next.
Yep. We let assholes with ignorant opinions get married, for one example.
I think it's really interesting that you say that to love your body means to inherently objectify yourself. I have the opposite feeling about loving my body, which is possibly why these conversations always feel so strange to me. When I love my body, it's because it can DO things. Like when I'm on a really good run…
I can go around hating my body and being angry with it. Or... I can not.
I really think the women who neither hate nor love their bodies are the silent majority.
This article cut off at 50. I was expecting 1 million things. I await the next installment.
It's on Netflix?! Well there goes my Saturday night.