
You can be perfectly happy being who you are, but believe me, the continual nasty remarks from the peanut gallery of life can wear you down. And frankly, it's nice to look in the mirror and not see what drives you crazy.

Before the NRA members find this post and start inundating you with their cherry-picked statistics, I just wanted to let you know that the vast majority of people in the world agree with you.

The thing about guns, they are like a MURDER BUTTON. This would not have happened if she had a knife, I guarantee. With a knife or a hammer you have to be determined to kill or at least seriously wound. With a gun, it's just a button to be pressed with a twitch of a finger. Stories like this are why guns are so

Who could sleep at a time like this?? I'll never forget where I was during the Butt Hack of '14.

Yeah. All of them seem to be directed at women. Even the guy's cards are about just because he doesn't agree with you doesn't mean it is because you are a woman, when he takes you out calm down it's not because he thinks he owns you, and in general saying women are defensive or overly sensitive.



I do not understand what an "all of the above" energy policy looks like. He's pumping his gas, so I think he means "I believe in not having to feel guilty about contributing to the end of our species," but an all-of-the-above energy policy sounds like he's advocating for even MORE outdated means of generating energy.

His barista was rambling about "opportunity for all" and how "every human life is worth protecting" instead of adding the Whipped Cream to the fucking PSL that he buys once a week to do his part for Feminism while wearing an orange sweater to stay color coordinated with the walls of the coffee shop he regularly

"I'm a Republican because my friends need a fifty-cents-an-hour paycheck, because it's so hard for millionaires to stay millionaires when they're so cruelly forced by the government to support freeloading employees by all these horrible regulations that try to keep toxic chemicals out of my drinking water."

"I believe in opportunity* for all** and I'm a republican***."

My idea of a good st patty's day involves a consuming mass amounts of corned beef, cabbage and potatoes. Finish it off with delicious soda bread.
I just can't do amateur hour.

I always feel like I honor my ancestors more by staying functional all day and giving the sloppy amateurs in neon green shamrock bikini tops the side eye. (Not judging girls for wearing what they want to - but it is March and it is New York - it's cold out! Irish knit sweaters are meant for that weather.)

Me neither. Saint Patrick's Day is amateur hour. I always avoid it.

Tired of thigh gap? why not zoidberg?

Personally, my aim is to get thighs the size of barrows and then crabwalk everywhere out of necessity.

One surefire way to get yourself a thigh gap is to saw off your thighs (just your thighs) and place them on opposite sides of the room. Soon you shall have gentleman callers galore.

Omg yes! If everyone has thighs that rub together can the underwear designers PLEASE make underwear to stop the chafing that: 1. Isn't some kind of shaping girdle that prohibits normal breathing and eating, and, 2. Doesn't roll up over the thighs constantly.

Tip from a fat girl who loves walking around at festivals: Apply antiperspirant to your inner thighs. Sounds weird, but does WONDERS for chafing!

This times infinity! I wish I hadn't wasted so much of my twenties wishing that my stomach was flatter or my thighs were thinner or my arms were more toned. Looking at pictures of myself back then, they were fine! I like looking presentable, but I no longer give too many shits if I'm "fuckable". And it turns out