If Amy Poehler is involved I'm in.
If Amy Poehler is involved I'm in.
Parrots seem like such cool animals...for your friend who you visit every once in awhile to have. Having one in your own house sounds like taking care of a particularly noisy toddler that comes with more pointy parts.
So...like...none of the greys get that this is satire? Seriously dudes...I don't give a crap what makes your dick happy. Not About You.
It's interesting that you're assuming you can poop at all.
You forgot "make 300 sandwiches".
Why women continue to support such a blatantly misogynist group of [every foul insult I can think of is entering my brain at once], is beyond me.
Full time nanny here! (through grad school and pt as a second job when working ft). I once had a job, on the UWS in manhattan that paid $875 for weekend live in hours (8pm friday night, after kid if asleep, to 9am monday morning, when kid is at school) for one kid. technically, I worked less than 24 hours, the rest of…
Quidditch is the most dangerous sport for both genders.
They have a first time kit you can order. The only thing it's missing is a copy of Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
This is how I imagine Hermione Granger would have turned out if she never got discovered for having magical powers.
I have the same reactions when one of my guy friends says this to me. "I didn't really believe in feminism until I had a daughter!"