

if he was hiring someone to help him make music because he was going deaf, is it really all that bad? I feel like its sort of understandable.

So much stupidity in one sentence:

Equating "bull dykey" with lesbians (all lesbians aren't one archetype, silly boy), and then equating both with "pixie"...I know I should simply ignore the idiocy here, but it's that unique brand of idiocy that sucks me in.

By the way, that pixie look is AMAZING to some men (myself

I've never understood the backlash against any female celebrity cutting her hair. I think it's super cute like 9 times out of 10.

On a purely aesthetic judgement, I think the longer hair suits her better. However:

Since we're going to keep on posting these I'll keep on replying to them saying we need a version of this reading Kotaku comments, or possibly Patricia Hernandez and Luke Plunkett posts.


Agreed. When there is a problem in society, the best solution is to give up and go make your own society. Kind of like how during the Civil Rights Era, African Americans gave up on changing the laws of America, and they all left to go make their own country

Women should do just that. They should stop bitching about

Your problem is you were never upfront with them. You should mention that easily within like the first couple of dates or if it's on a site, you put into your profile.

You know who agrees with you? Rapists.

This sounds like the way women were raised centuries ago, not in the 21st century.

It's so ironic because your opinions are like those of someone raised centuries ago, not those of the people you are fighting with.

100% agree. For real. That comment seriously sounded like some rape culture shit.

Call me when you've been followed 10 feet behind you out of a coffee shop into an empty parking lot by a man you've clearly rejected. You have nothing to contribute to this conversation until you can understand that a "hard no" can put you in a dangerous situation at any time, and that it is impossible to predict when

It would be so awesome if they wore special shirts.

Don't tell me I don't give a fuck about consent.

All of what you are saying is just coming across as incredibly sociopathic, you're not listening to anyone, and although you may think you're pulling all these impressive gotchas, and your arguments are really weak. Although you are pretending not to, you have to understand what people are saying or you would be in

Christ, she looks like a homunculus made out of a burlap sack 0_0

I was thinking something similar, like they are skipping school or they don't want their parents to know they went to a Starcraft match when they said they were studying.

No matter what the Marketing Department says, "Target Audience" is no science and can miss, or be greater than expected.