
I much prefer this take:

All grown up and sexualized!

I agree wholeheartedly. Personality plays a HUGE role when it comes to male characters appealing to female audiences.

Oh, look, super generic comic book ladies with huge boobs and a skirt that is almost entirely ridden up. Way to capture absolutely nothing that makes the PPG look awesome. I mean, at least the hair and costumes are the right color?

For a 36 year old man, you have an exceedingly elementary view of what things like this video are trying to do. Just saying shit to the effect of "that's just the way it is so fuck it" or "it's a man's world" puts you in the same category as those who are actively fighting against better portrayal of women in media.

To the few "men are misrepresented too" posters I've seen, and to those who will no doubt post similar arguments, please listen to the following very carefully:

This comments section.

I'm gonna get flamed I guess, but this is by far the worst argument, and all men have it. "Men are sexualized too" It's so incredibly sad to see this.

Nonononono. Not this argument again. Men generally look the way they do in games to appeal to men's power fantasies. Women generally look the way they do in games to appeal to men's sexual fantasies. IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU PERSONALLY DISLIKE THE BEEFY MCDUDEBRO BODIES OF MALE CHARACTERS, the fact of the matter is

Men aren't being exploited, it's positive features that are being exaggerated - e.g chest, biceps etc. which represent power or strength. It gives males a powerful figure to aspire to.

Whereas for women it's their sexual features which are exaggerated, making them an object rather than someone powerful who achieves

Of course a military shooter, what was I thinking!

That animated GIF alone makes me squirm. I mean, obviously torture should be torture regardless of the target...but the fact that the attractive woman is also half-naked seems too much.

Yeah, the guy has some "brilliant" insights. My favorite nuggets from his Nintendo section:

Nice try, ANGELINA.

Hi all! I'm the creator of ANGELINA, a PhD researcher based in London, England. Fire away with any questions and I'll do the best I can to answer them, or hit me up on Twitter @mtrc for more.

It's funny, but this feels more like a fix to me than censorship.

Dude, you should see a therapist.

Well I am from Britain and the map reckons I'm from New York, Rochester or Providence.