
And this is why I want nothing to do with "gamer" "culture"

You mean skip the whole game?

Just finished this (well episode 1) and if you loved the old Broken Sword 1 and 2. Get this, you will feel right at home. It's absolutely lovely to play and I'm glad i kickstarter'ed it. The only bad thing is now I can't wait till episode 2!

Now I will continue to cry, knowing that Fallout 4 is never coming out.

...*continues to live in denial*...

What about the misogynistic gatekeeper? The ones that go around calling "fake gamer girl!" everytime they can't score with a girl that likes games.

I am so tired of over sensitive feminists and their Nancy-boy defenders complain about the depiction of women in media. Sure, women are objectified, but the men are too! It's completely equal, just ask Hawkeye:

In these comments is one of the things that is pushing me away from Kotaku entirely.

It's "extreme change" to ask for well rounded, well written female characters who are more than sexual objects for the male gaze? Good lord, I'd hate to see what you think real radicalism looks like.

a.k.a. the year The Legend of Zelda was born.

Ole Castle Greyskull sits atop my fridge as a beacon of awesome in my kitchen.

The whole princess thing is repetitive, not very engaging and journalist across the board have been ranting against it for a while now. I'm sure the devs are already aware of it, but I'm still gonna push for it none the less; Save your cat, your brother, your best friend or that guy that owes you money, anyone or

It would help if games would stop being so sexist, either blatantly or subtly. A game doesn't have to feature a female protagonist to NOT be insulting to women. Simply dialing down the ridiculous boob physics on female characters in what are supposed to be emotional situations would be a good step, for instance (like

"More" boys =/= "only" boys.

There would be a riot if I tried to take Minecraft away from my daughters.

I don't really think it's "as a guy." You yourself don't see it that way, which is fine. But it's not your gender that's determining that. Like I mentioned in my post, many men I know do indeed feel the way I do. So I'm not convinced it's that.

Anyway, for me that doesn't ring true but I respect your opinion.

I have no idea what this means. I hope you're aren't suggesting that a female lead means it's for women, cos i will suggest educating yourself, starting with Aliens.

Yes there is. Katniss is sort of a rarity for women leads. She is incredibly strong, but deeply flawed. She's not an endless well of strength and awesomeness, but is instead terrified and resourceful. Her intelligence, skill-set, and determination are what makes her admirable and capable. So she's a very relatable